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Spinespur Starter set...


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Spinespur is a horror miniature skirmish game, check it out here


If you and your gaming buddies were thinking about getting into Spinespur, here's a good opportunity for you.

I'm selling off all of this:


For the low price of $50 bucks!

Those items new run very close to 90 bucks. PLUS, I've assembled and primed most of the minis, (antipope and sex star six are not assembled)

Three of the figures are fully painted. From the pic above you can see HACK and Mr. Jingles are painted, I've reassembled his batting arm, and I have also now painted Pigskin.


Other than thumbing through the Rules book, it's basically never been used. I've just got too many games, and need to concentrate on a few.

So, you get

Hack (painted)

Mr. Jingles (painted)

Pigskin (painted)

4 Thugs (based, primed)

Martin Greygun (based, primed)

The Anti Pope, (still in blister)

Sex Star Six (a Gene Simmons from Kiss clone, not painted)

The Spinespur Rulebook

50 bucks, and I'll ship ANYWHERE, provided you pay the shipping.

Interested? PM me or e-mail me

supervike AT yahoo DOT com

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I owned every release for the book as of the Torn, including 20+ thugs and the limited templates and tokens from their Gencon Release...but it was just too...sloppy for me. Between the constant need to reference the book and the weapons charts, and weapons having scales for doing different damage from different ranges, including melee...

Not trying to dog a sale, the game is good, but not simple enough for my once a week at best gaming schedule.

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I tend to buy things on a whim, and then it just starts piling up....Very bad habit!

...whereas I am a TOWER OF WILL POWER...as long as I'm without funds :squint:. HOWEVER, when I have an odd buck or two, it's a sure thing there will be something new gracing The Vault of Pack Rattiness.

GOOD LUCK with the sale, Amigo! :fing02:

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