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Lilith vs Seamus


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Yeah for Lilith to deal with Seamus you really have to just bum rush him and rip his head off as fast as you can. You don't want to be there for the return volley if you can help it. Her transportation spell (the one that switchs 2 model's location) can very quickly pull him away from his undead hookers and leave him next to you and your Nephlim ready to devour his little head.

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Here is what I have doing work against him. Lilith and her cherub (works with primordial magic too) And a mature neph plus whatever you want to fill with. I have the totem earthquake twice. Then Lilith eartquake 3 times. In standard deployment this will put your mature nephilim able to charge anything within 2 inches of the front edge of the starting zone. Now if you are playing corners or diagonals you need to have a high tome and use knock aside to make it by hitting something else first. I find that most players strategy falls apart when the mature neph is on their master on your second activation. And if your lucky there won't be a master there second turn.

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When Seamus starts the funny fear 14 and you loose wp abilities Lily gets a real problem. You need 11+ cards for not running away. And when you start burning your hand cards for morale you get beaten in closecombat...

And some models will run away you never have enough cards, even for Lily you can start burning soulstones for morale.

Burning stones and cards is what Seamus likes if he gets the right trigger.

The belles can slow the entire army down if you stand close together.

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Here is what I have doing work against him. Lilith and her cherub (works with primordial magic too) And a mature neph plus whatever you want to fill with. I have the totem earthquake twice. Then Lilith eartquake 3 times. In standard deployment this will put your mature nephilim able to charge anything within 2 inches of the front edge of the starting zone. Now if you are playing corners or diagonals you need to have a high tome and use knock aside to make it by hitting something else first. I find that most players strategy falls apart when the mature neph is on their master on your second activation. And if your lucky there won't be a master there second turn.

One thing, most of the totems can only cast magical extension once. Not that it matters that much you're still moving everything 8" in the direction you want.

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Not really sure how a mature neph will take out Seamus if the rest of Seamus' crew is around without support.

First Seamus is gonna get lured out of cc, then he's gonna shoot the neph and then a punk zombie or two will counter charge. While there is potential this will work, without Lilith or something else hitting them, Seamus is probably gonna survive and then kill off the biggin'

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