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Teddy Sculpt


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here's a little something i'm sculpting for a bloke called Gav (ironically!)


while Thor went for Gurt mahoosive, i've gone for squat and brooding :)

the head is a ballbearing from a mouse ball, brass rod running through the rest.

gonna add a brow over his left eye for even more scowling look (and help blend the GS into the surface), add fur in patches, the right arm is having blades for fingers and possibly some steam-punk driven cutty things inplace of the missing arm.

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so, having seen him next to Seamus and reread that he should be on a 50mm base, i've had to add leg extensions :(

they're only a sketchlayer so far, just the right shape waiting to dry before i add detail and tidy the joins up :o:

While they dry, i've hit another Inspiration Block with the choppy arm :(


arg! big Picture

so, the three options are:

the first one is on an extension and would have pneumatics along the grey bit, maybe on the outside edges of the blades too

the second i've moved the blades into the shoulder.. while it looks better, i'm not sure how he'd actually be able to get anyone with them :lol:

the third is an armature (geddit? :D) for a more steampunk-esk arm; it'd be covered in cogs and pipes running into the shoulder.

whichever way, the socket will have stuffing and maybe brass rods poking out, ripped stitches etc.

i also need to mold the fingerblades into the wrist more, then detail the forearm, but can't work while the glue is drying :(

thanks for looking!

Edited by greenstuff_gav
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heeere's Teddy!

virtual cookie to Entiago for spotting The Shining reference :)

we're finished! woo!


and here's the big link :)

so, the customer is happy, i'm (relatively) happy... not sold on the blades and the claw hand; i wanted to do something a bit more steampunk but inspiration and ability failed me :(

plus i have shift changes at work, so after a week my attention span declines sharply :(

also the proportions are messed up; i originally wanted a bigger head / body to leg proportion (as evidenced by earlier pics) but he ended up too short as i'd measured him for a 40mm base :lol:

and interesting challenge was that i was asked for a "threadbare" effect to break up the mini; this was a thin layer of greenstuff which was made wet and then a blisterpack foam insert pressed gently against it

so, Mr. Wyrd, i've shown you mine, show us yours! :D

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