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Hockey? anyone?


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If Abs were here he'd totally understand. Even Karn would understand and he's from MA... They're huge hockey fans. I bet he'd give me a break >:P:D

*Gives Fell a break* =D

We have a TV at the store specifically for situations like this lol. We are an odd game store. half of the regulars are rabid sports fans of different sports lol

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*Gives Fell a break* =D

We have a TV at the store specifically for situations like this lol. We are an odd game store. half of the regulars are rabid sports fans of different sports lol

That makes sense. Your in MA. You don't breed non Boston fans down there. If you don't like sports you get disowned! My dads from attelbouro sp. I know how it is :D

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That makes sense. Your in MA. You don't breed non Boston fans down there. If you don't like sports you get disowned! My dads from attelbouro sp. I know how it is :D

Exactly =D

When one is born we send them to New Hampshire ;D

At least you understand the sports fandom that exists down here lol. It can get crazy some times, especially during Baseball season heh. Red Sox fans are awesome but crazy =D

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Yeah, the Bruins better do something to distract Boston as long as possible, or else there might be panic in the streets over the Red Sox...

Yeah you should have heard the roar and cheer when the Sox won their Home Opener. I practically went deaf as everyone in the bar yelled at once.

Not watching hockey live is like playing Malifaux with proxies.

From another company.

In 1/72nd scale.


Very true. It's why we need a model bag that has a flat panel TV embedded in it and hook-ups for Cable and WiFi so you can get your Hockey from any gaming table.

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Not watching hockey live is like playing Malifaux with proxies.

From another company.

In 1/72nd scale.


I will agree that Hockey is MUCH better when you're sitting at the rink, cheering on your team... but I can't afford Stanley Cup tickets... EVER :D watching the game on TV is kind of dissapointing... (I was a HUGE UMaine (college) hockey fan... I can't watch their games on TV, and I can barely sit through a game 'cause the "adult" fans just don't get into the game).

I do what I can :)

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Two words: Playoff Beard!!!

come on all your real fans out there, get growing, no shaving until your team is out of it, or wins it all...because if you shave...it could be YOUR fault your team loses :D

Most women have it easy...but still, no shaving any beards for you either :P

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AWESOME Game! Well. . .Boston Bruins should have showed up, talk about a game WAY, (way, way, way) over HYPED. I am surprised Versus didn't switch to the Buffalo game. . .oh wait that was a bit yawn as well. . . though I am glad Buffalo won.

The Bruins game was lammee. Bruins just didn't seem like they really wanted to win, oh well. More games to come!

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is there any way the bruins are pulling a Rocky, and letting the Canucks become over confidnet before blowing them out of the water? *looks worried* or are they just gonna choke again *tears well in eyes*

*pats* I hope they are. After the last time I don't think the fans will tolerate another Stanley Cup loss. It's about time they brought it back to Boston and were hailed as the Kings they are!

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