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First, for Keebler, looks like you'll be adding a pretty model to your collection. The 'Canes have been underwhelming, and the Lightning have been awesome.

Second, I'm amazed the Pens have been somewhat hot since the Malkin and Crosby injuries. Looks like there still might be life at the Consul 4077th.

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Anyone catch nashvilles game today? Absolutely spectacular come from behind OT victory. Of course all of HSBC arena hated me & the 10 other Nashville fans there.

Also just watched the Cooke video & as a former enforcer & Current Referee I would write that up as a deliberate attempt to injure,he should be gone for at least a month if not more. A blind-side flying elbow to the face, unacceptable.

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Oh he's gone. Minimum 14 games. Should be longer, I agree he is a threat to players.

Mario Lemieux "talked to Matt Cooke" today and told him to get his head on straight apparently. If Mario is as serious as he claims about zero tolerance, maybe he should have put him on waivers.

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I believe last night's Pens-Wings game was what the Brits refer to a "crackin'".

The thing that pisses me off about the Matt Cooke suspension is that he's too good a player to have to resort to that BS. Score some goals, make some passes, and lead with the shoulder. It ain't that complicated.

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Matt Cooke is damn lucky he got off with a 14 game suspension. This is his FIFTH suspension offense and FOURTH since joining the penguins, all hits to the head, and blind side. That is disgusting, and like the owner of the pens has insisted from the beginning, it needs to be dealt with with ZERO tolerance.

What makes me mad is he wasn't suspended for the rest of the season PERIOD. He got off lightly (again), and will continue to be the cheap shot artist he is.

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The Bruins win last night was... interesting.

Apparently their whole plan this season is to lure their opponents into a false sense of security by playing like shit for the first half of the game and then waking up and leveling their opponent. I think this is the 5th time they have done it.... they just flip the switch some time in the 2nd period and tear their opponent a new one.

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well, they're technically not out...but it looks like they'd have to close out with 6 straight wins and get some help. Of course that help would need to come from the sharks who has their ENTIRE remaining schedule against teams that the Flames would be chasing (8 straight against Stars, Ducks, Yotes, Kings).

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I wasn't expecting the flames to get this close but yeah they need to go 6-0 and their final game would be against vancouver which they don't seem to be playing well against this year.

Maybe I'll have to start cheering for some of the pacific division teams come playoff time. =) It has been a good race so far!

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Ahhh officiating in the NHL. . . or lack thereof.

Crashing the goalie and in the crease, then scoring whilst you are sitting on him?! Seriously? That was allowed?

But then Happy came back and snapped the tie and the Red Wings Roll to a win.

Original 6 match ups are the best.

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Ahhh officiating in the NHL. . . or lack thereof.

Crashing the goalie and in the crease, then scoring whilst you are sitting on him?! Seriously? That was allowed?

But then Happy came back and snapped the tie and the Red Wings Roll to a win.

Original 6 match ups are the best.

Yeah what the heck was up with that?!

Freaking Ref has to be half blind to allow that.

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Watching Boston Chicago. . .Ken Daniels makes the rest sound the bufoons they are.

HOWEVER, Chicago fans, I would begin to worry. . .if, "Hossa left it all out on the ice" against Detroit, and that quote is from the Chicago head coach, what will happen when/if you make the playoffs?

He was a nonfactor against Boston. . . which though an Original six game as well, lacked the action/intensity of the Detroit Chicago game.

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If the ref can still see the puck he is NOT allowed to stop play barring some other rules violation. "There's a whole bunch of guys tangled in front" is not a reason. Crashing the crease while the puck is also in the crease IS allowed. As for sitting on the goalie, if the player was knocked onto the goalie by the defending team & he is making an attempt to get up without actively trying to impair the goalies movement it is not a penalty.

Hope this clears things up. It's very easy for people to yell at us but if you think you can do better than by all means go ahead. But I must warn you our book is over 500 pages long and to get that high you pretty much need to memorize it, then memorize a different 500 page book on additional / modified rules JUST for the NHL.

Edited by Dorian
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Dorian, I understand the rules. Holmstrom is constantly called for having the very back of his skate in the crease, NO GOAL. We are questioning the NO CALL situation in the Detroit/Chicago game. The on ice official missed it as did the review in Toronto. It was obvious Lupul came into the crease and hit the goalie. He was then checked by Draper who backed off. Lupul remained on the INJURED Howard and then swept the puck OUTSIDE OF THE CREASE into the open net.

It was a horrible non call from Toronto, as well as, in my opinion, the referee.

Equal enforcement is the key, it was not in evidence that day.

Edited by Manicmac
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