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Uncertain on LURE (Rotten Belles)


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Had this rules question come out during today's game in the FLGS

Was luring Marcus into range of me belle and in his line of "push", he would have passed in and out of the belle's melee range. So I was wondering

1) Can you push a model in and out of another model's melee without triggering a disengage test?

2) If a model was in a melee combat, would you be able to LURE him out of it? See Seamus has this big fat gun i would love to use u see... ^^

3) If a model has multiple melee ranges (some have range 2 and some range 1 liek the belles), if ever testing for disengaging, would I do a test for both weapons based on how far the miniature moved away or just one from the weapon of my choosing.

4) Does the model testing for lure benefit from the rules of shooting into melee when i cast a spell on it, especially on that will LURE him out...

5) Silly but i just need to know. The description of push... hard to find in the book... wanna know if it's in a straight line and if you are stopped if u hit an obstacle?

Would like to get some feedback. Just had first game, many many questions... ROTTEN BELLES ARE AWESOME :)

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1. Yes. Pushes are not considered Movements (p.47), and Disengage only works on Moving models (p.47/57)

2. Yes

3. Use which one you want, but not both. Shorter ranged attacks tend to have higher CB values, but range is often nice to extend your threat range...

4. No. Lure has no :maliranged on it, so it is not a Ranged attack, so Shooting into Melee doesnt apply

5. Push, p.47 - it is not a straight line, usually, and treat it like a move. Just move around/up/over/through the obstacle as normal.

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Thanks Kealios....

wao... i must have missed those in the rule book.

So i would be able to have the belles circle around some intervening models and terrain that may partially block their bases into 3 inches of sybelle using the call belle spell?

Hmmm... this should be officially errata-ed for the push part...

I potentially seeing competitive players arguing on sybelle's ability to criscross her belles on the board from 14 inches away to 3 inches of her...

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