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My Gencon Experience

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Well, I went to gencon with every intention of buying a bunch of stuff for Malifaux.

Thursday morning I went to the Wyrd booth first, and dropped about $175

Unfortunately I did not really have a chance to play until Saturday night, in a pick up game with my friend Rick from Chicago.

I have to say, that Malifaux is everything I had hoped it would be.

The game play is fast, fun and exciting, obviously the minis are awesome, otherwise I would not have been collecting them for 3 years.

But the best thing of all, is the class of people that run the company. It always seems to impress me when the ownership works in their own booth, but it is even better when they are nice people, and are approachable. But it gets even better when they offer to help you muddle through the rules of your first game at 1130 at night, after working in that booth all day!

My hat is off to Wyrd, and all the employees and volunteers that worked for them at Gencon. You guys did great, and I think this game is going to do nothing but grow in popularity!

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Well, I went to gencon with every intention of buying a bunch of stuff for Malifaux.

Thursday morning I went to the Wyrd booth first, and dropped about $175

Unfortunately I did not really have a chance to play until Saturday night, in a pick up game with my friend Rick from Chicago.

I have to say, that Malifaux is everything I had hoped it would be.

The game play is fast, fun and exciting, obviously the minis are awesome, otherwise I would not have been collecting them for 3 years.

But the best thing of all, is the class of people that run the company. It always seems to impress me when the ownership works in their own booth, but it is even better when they are nice people, and are approachable. But it gets even better when they offer to help you muddle through the rules of your first game at 1130 at night, after working in that booth all day!

My hat is off to Wyrd, and all the employees and volunteers that worked for them at Gencon. You guys did great, and I think this game is going to do nothing but grow in popularity!

Pretty much the same on my side. Great interaction from the design team who were both patient and friendly throughout.

Thanks to Eric for sitting with us and walking through a game.

Thanks to Nathan for just being accessible and friendly.

Thanks to Keltheos, was great meeting you after running into you over the years online.

Great experience thus far and I have enjoyed the game too!


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The highlight of my Gen Con was getting to learn Malifaux, play it with friends while spreading the word of the game and getting to chat with everyone during my 56,978 (or so ;) ) visits to the Wyrd booth. From our demo on Thursday night, to our game with Ambrose teaching us on Friday night to drinking and teaching the game ourselves in a friend's hotel room on Saturday night I had an absolute blast with the game.

Every person involved in the game was awesome. And I am constantly amazed at after only really seeing Nathan at cons how nice it is that he recognizes us and says hey. Makes you feel part of the crew.

Anyway, mushy stuff aside this game kicks ass and I can't for Rasputina to blast Lady Justice in the face. Again.

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