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Picasa from Google

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Haven't tried it, have downloaded it, but thought I would interest some of ya'll that have tough times with photos and the like. Came across a few references to it recently and some folks have trouble with their photos were pleased with it.

Free and from google. Has a 'do you feel lucky' feature with it too.

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I just started using this program a couple weeks ago. For a tech tard like me, I find it pretty easy to navigate and operate. I haven't quite figured out the size export, but it makes collages really easily and you can crop and rotate in seconds. I used it to make my Convict collage I posted recently in @5 minutes.

What I know: if your viewing a folder of photos, theres a "new folder" looking button that is really a new collage. It takes all the photos of that folder and layers them into new collage. You can move them around add more, delete etc. Then you have to click "create collage" button. It saves it and then you go back and crop out the sides, or else its way to wide with white borders. Then you can EXPORT it and save it different sizes and what not.

Thats about all I figured out in the 20 minutes I've used it so far. Anyone else have any tips? I feel like the size export doesn't work like I think it should. I export it @ 800 pixels and it saves it to some random size... I'll have to look at it more when I have energy and time.

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