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Hell Dorado french game

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I will NOT get into another mini game. I've been resisting Hell Dorado but these Immortals are beautiful. It's so rare for there to be a Chinese faction in a model game. All the Asian factions tend to be Japanese...

All of this French scares me.I don't know a word of it, and I'm Canadian. But Mandarin, Mandarin I can do.

Wo Shuo Zhongguohua shuo de bu hao!

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Lol. I'll have to do that at some point - I've refused to have anything to do with the game until they released it in English.

J'te posais la question surtout parce que je viens de passer la derniere semaine a mettre a jour les regles et les chroniques de Zaebas pour la sortie prochaine aux USA.

I didn't know you were working on this translation. That's great.

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Is there a place to buy these in the US other than Fantization? I've had some terrible experiences with them in the past.

I'm with Brushmistress. I've had some terrible experiences with Fantization, as well. I made an order for about $68 and then another a few weeks later at $60 or so and then I didn't hear from them for about two months. I called in to cancel my orders (which I had already paid for) and they gave me some grief about back orders and all that. I told them that was fine and good but I had received no communication in that regard while I'm sure they happily enjoyed the money I sent them.

I did finally get them to cancel my orders but they put a bad mark on my paypal account because I had only paid $60 for the first order and then they put an apology on my second order when they realized the $60 was for the second order and not the first.

I told them on the phone that the reason I was canceling my order is because I was going to be at Gencon and I would just buy the minis there. I had intended to have them built and painted to play some games with them.

At Gencon, I went to visit the Fantization booth and the guy I met there was a total tool. I told him I was looking for a particular Westerner Hell Dorado miniature and he kept trying to sell me some Demon miniature even after I told him repeatedly that I was collecting Westerners and not Demons.

They can go fly a kite. I'm waiting for TheWarStore to start carrying it or my local shop to discover how to order them.

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Can't you find Helldorado miniatures from another US retailler ? At least buy them from a european retailler if shipping cost is not too high.

If there is any retailer that you suggest, Moa, I'm all ears. When Hell Dorado first came out, I really wanted to get ahold of the Voyageuse miniature that came with the rulebook. Of course the game was not being distributed in America and so I had to go oversees looking for it.

I found a french retailer, I want to say it was called Troll's Cave or something like that. My french is terrible and it was quite an adventure navigating their site to find the item I wanted and was an even bigger challenge communicating with the staff there.

Long story made short, I did get the mini and the guys at the Troll's Cave were very nice (I hope that's the name.) But it was a challenge and an adventure.

As far as I know, Fantization is the only online American retailer that carries the line, right now. There are several miniatures in the line that I want to get but haven't purchased, yet, because I'm unwilling to deal with Fantization.

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Try here :


I looked for Illinois and there are 8 shops selling them I think.

Ahh, yes. I don't think the US division of Asmodee sells Hell Dorado. Evidently they are actually two distinct companies. Asmodee US simply owns a contract for selling several Asmodee Editions games, almost all of them are board games.

That is what I was led to believe, at least. This game is very difficult to get ahold of in the States.

EDIT: Here is the quote, actually, from the Hell Dorado page on the Asmodee USA website:

Hell Dorado is a miniature game edited by Asmodee Editions in France. The game will not be available directly through us for the North American market.
Edited by redstripe
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Was following Helldorado from the beginning but that whole Voyageuse thing and being able to get certain minis only with the box sets really put me off. Sweet minis but I generally expect incorporating the corporate paradigm to come when a company is a corporation a few years down the line - seemed ill-advised to adopt it from the beginning....

Not sure what they were playing at, really, but they certainly managed to alienate me - before their stuff was even generally available in this country. I'm sure it all makes sense to a bean-counter somewhere....

But yeah, objectively, some sweet minis ... if you don't mind not being able to not buy the sweetest ones ... expected better from a French (non-'PLC') company. Now I have to overcome my ambivalence and principles to buy anything from these guys - sick of basic things that shouldn't be problems (I like, I'll buy) being turned into totally artificial and unnecessary ethical problems....

'Yadda yadda - LE is GREAT!!!!' OK, explain to me why if I can't get the best model they've released (IMO, til now), I should settle for anything less? [Though I have, a bit, coz I'm a semi-pussy and beautiful-minis whore....]

EDIT: What I mean is: the buying model should be 'Ooh, I like this I'll buy it' not 'I like this, I'd like to buy it but they made something sweeter I'd like to buy, but I can't, so should I boycott them?' Why do that? Why add that level of cognitive dissonance? The market for this industry ain't big enough to support such divisive nonsense.

Edited by v22TTC
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Was following Helldorado from the beginning but that whole Voyageuse thing and being able to get certain minis only with the box sets really put me off. Sweet minis but I generally expect incorporating the corporate paradigm to come when a company is a corporation a few years down the line - seemed ill-advised to adopt it from the beginning....

Not sure what they were playing at, really, but they certainly managed to alienate me - before their stuff was even generally available in this country. I'm sure it all makes sense to a bean-counter somewhere....

But yeah, objectively, some sweet minis ... if you don't mind not being able to not buy the sweetest ones ... expected better from a French (non-'PLC') company. Now I have to overcome my ambivalence and principles to buy anything from these guys - sick of basic things that shouldn't be problems (I like, I'll buy) being turned into totally artificial and unnecessary ethical problems....

'Yadda yadda - LE is GREAT!!!!' OK, explain to me why if I can't get the best model they've released (IMO, til now), I should settle for anything less? [Though I have, a bit, coz I'm a semi-pussy and beautiful-minis whore....]

EDIT: What I mean is: the buying model should be 'Ooh, I like this I'll buy it' not 'I like this, I'd like to buy it but they made something sweeter I'd like to buy, but I can't, so should I boycott them?' Why do that? Why add that level of cognitive dissonance? The market for this industry ain't big enough to support such divisive nonsense.

Erm. What? I know this is somewhat stream of consciousness here, but I'm really having trouble following you.

As for the Minis, I'm pretty sure there'll be regular distribution happening once the first english book comes out.

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