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This Bill will seriously effect Wyrd!


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[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CqBZd0cP5Yc]Evil Orphaned Works Bill Must Be Stopped! [/ame]

Basically it means everything that has already been registered will have to be re-registered with PRIVATE companies that don't exist yet! It also means that nothing any of us do will belong to us anymore unless we pay AND KEEP PAYING for that right!

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That's a bill that has been going back and forth being pushed by the **AA and the others, but its fell on two major problems.

1) Librarians across the country are very much against it because as it is currently worded it also prevents stuff from falling into Public Domain (which has enough problems due to the Bono-Mickey mouse law[yeah mickey should be public domain by now except thanks to ol' Senator Bono they got yet another extension for another 30 some odd years])

2) This one's also gotten the EFF, the FSF and a bunch of other software folks up in ire and willing to sue.

so i think it will take quite a bit of work for it ever to see light of day. And i hope it never does actually pass.

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