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Spackle, your thoughts.


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So I'm debating on a basing style for my Daemons army(s) and this site:


Has some easy to do spackel-tastic basing.

Here's my problem.

1. I can't get spackle to lay flat when I spread it. Should I be using a stir stick instead of brush?

2. He says he 'moves it around' and I have no idea what that means. Moving mine around made a mess.

3. Is spackle verboten for most of you when doing bases?

I don't want to have to pony up for a bunch of green stuff since it'll be about 100+bases.

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I suppose the best way is to use some sort of spatula or something to spread the filler (or spackle) across the base. Pretty much like when you spread butter on bread. I don't think it should be perfectly flat, but have a bit of texture to it.

Then, when the filler is half-set you make it crack by tugging on it or by bending the base in different directions. The surface should be pretty much set when you do this, or you will not get the desired effect. Trial and error is the way to go here.

Your third question is a bit unclear to me. I don't use filler that much. I use a product called Sandy Paste by Vallejo instead. It is more expensive than wall filler, but I don't do armies. I have used filler, though, to make concrete walls. I have spread it over cork tiles to make the walls. Looks great!

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when using spackle, use a putty knife, it makes life much easier

can get one with a nice metal blade for about $0.50, spread it nice and smooth, then depending on the spackle you use (i got a tub of stuff that is pink, but dries white) after its dried for about 20 minutes move it around to introduce a few cracks, these will dry and possibly get a bit larger depending on if the spackle is no-shrink or ordinary spackle.

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Apply with some sort of putty knife as others have mentioned..then take a piece of damp sponge..like you get in miniatures packages.. really wring out the water now sort of stipple/pat the Spackel until it makes a nice pattern. You can also sprinkle little bits of sand into it to make texture.

When you buy the stuff, read ingredients..some Spackel had acrylic vinyl in it..this should adhere to plastic bases easier than normal plaster like Spackel .

I have a tub of the resin sand mix that Vallejo makes..works nice for basing and sticks to the plastic bases well. A tub will cost you $10.00 or less and easily do that 100+ bases.

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Thanks, all. I guess I haven't been thinking things through on the process. going to get a putty knife tonight. good call on smoothing things out afterward. I have almost no experience with sculpting (and for me this falls under sculpting) so any tips will help. I'll post some of the samples when I'm done.

I did try to move things around by bending the bases a few times during the drying process and no crackage. Perhaps too thin a layer, it slid instead of bent/split.

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