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Someone's gotta talk about the Superbowl


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Man, it must have been rough being a bills fan there for 4 straight...

but I always say, the game is so dependent on the offensive and defensive lines, I think if I were the GM of a team, that's where I'd spend the big $$'s, get the best available, then any running back can run through giant holes, and any corner can cover if the opposing quarterback doesn't have time to throw.

This game just showed a great d-line playing a great game can derail the best offense in the history of the league.

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It will be interesting to see if this will be the last shot anyone really has to really go 19-0. After losing the superbowl everyone was talking about the pressures and such of perfection, and how the team had that stress for so long that perhaps in the end it just wasn't sustainable. Who knows, if they had lost to the giants the last game of the regular season, they may have been looser, but at the same time realized they were going to have to really prepare hard for the rematch.

In the future I don't think teams will be playing their full squads into the last minutes of the last game of the year just to go 16-0. It might take another complete ass of a coach to try it again.

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Yeah, that perfection spectre would make it incredibly hard. I never thought we'd see a team go 16-0 in the regular season...but without a superbowl win, that feat just becomes a trivia question, instead of a real accomplishment.

But, did you notice how Belichek left the field when there was still 1 second left. No way did he NOT know there was still time left....what a sore loser!

The loss couldn't have happened to a nicer guy....

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yeah, of course he knew, there were 2-3 officials telling him to get his team off the field so they could end the game with another play. Total lack of class to leave the field. I sort of hope they do find all sorts of evidence that he taped a Rams practice in 2002 and fine him millions this time.

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Belli-CHEAT is a VERY sore looser - did you see his press conference after the game? I'd almost be suprised if he didn't get fined by the league for it (coaches are to "make themselves available to the media" per league rules).

Eric - yes, it's tough to be a Bills fan - it always is - but they have some great potential now in Marshawn Lynch and Dick Jaraun.

Lots of credit for wins and losses should go to the linemen, but they rarely get it - they are the unsung heroes of the game.

I think if Eli didn't have to make that crazy last drive to score, either Osi Umenyora or Michael Strahan would have been the MVP - the Giants' Defense was playing out of their minds!


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Well I got to hand it to Boston sports, they have a knack for drawing attention to themselves! First beating the Yankees after being down 0-3 in 7 games, then losing a perfect season to a team them beat 9 out of 10 times on paper. And of course they have the resurgent Celtics that should at least make the Eastern championship game this year.

Hard to feel sorry for them for losing this one (although that's not what one of my future brothers in law wants me to say)

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LOL...me too Eric. I rooted for the Pats back then....but now after hearing about all the 'taping' scandel of that Superbowl, maybe my support was misguided. Of course, they were the underdog, which is most likely why I wanted them to win.

I saw Eli Manning on the Letterman show last night, when asked about why Belichick decided to leave early, Manning just says "maybe he wanted to beat traffic"


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oh, that's a pretty good line. Look at Eli, he wins a superbowl and suddenly he has personality, next thing we know he'll be doing SNL and have a supermodel girlfriend.

But yeah, it will be interesting to see what comes of the story about taping the 2002 superbowl. Before long no one is going to destroy any tape ever, considering the fact you might end up with the government all up in your business if you do!

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It's funny about Eli, whereas with Peyton, he is a confident, take charge type guy. When Peyton talks, you can sense he has control. Eli comes across as a humble, shy fellow. Like an awkward teenager.

I can see how there have been the criticisms of his (Eli's) leadership abilities. He isn't going to lead a charge into battle, but seems to be a more of lead by example type person. I've also heard criticisms of his introverted personality. Something I can really relate to, as my brothers are both very extroverted, but I'm very introverted.

I dunno, I'm sure I'm putting too much into it, but I started becoming a backer of Eli earlier in the year when he was taking so much heat. And after watching a few of his games, you see that alot of his bad stats and poor performances were because recievers were dropping the ball at crucial times. But he still often had that 'deer in the headlights' look.

It's just cool to see someone who I feel is very deserving get accolades. It's such a great story, for so many reasons.

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