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Sarah Conner Cronicles? Anyone? Anyone?

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I watched it last night not really hoping for much, wasn't dissipointed or impressed just Meh! I may gettin to be an ol' geezer when I start to think to much about the show/movie.

C'mon machines from the future cant shoot a 16 year old kid at point blank range? They can build a freaking time machine but not a targeting system? Oh well, I'll watch a couple of more times Iguess before it falls off the watch list like Hero's .

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It's already old. I liked the first two terminator movies, but that 3rd one...meh. Now the series? Come on...we get it, the are relentless...they never stop. Maybe they would be smart enough to send a whole army through?

Not only that, but the terminator took like 30 shots with that handgun in that school, and I never seen him reload.

And why bother hiding a gun inside his flesh? Couldn't it have been just as effectively hidden in his waist band? What was he scared of metal detectors?

The 'kevlar' lazy boy bothered me too...where do they get the time or inclination of bullet proof a chair?

And the logic of Sarah Connor..."we need to stay hidden and under the radar, but lets make a beeline for the wife of the scientist we whacked last time"....

Lastly, the 'teenie bopper, hot sexy protector terminator' is just plain stupid. It's cheesecake and dumb.

The studios wants to just rehash 'safe' bets to make TV shows and movies...and those almost always lead to ultimate failure.

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Yup, I watched last night too, in hopes it will get better...still some just plain foolishness...

For instance...they go to a 'safehouse' to find all the resistance members murdered...only to return later AFTER the police have made it a crime scene. The police, in investigating the multiple homicide, never bother to look behind the oddly out of place 'HANG IN THERE KITTY" poster to reveal a wall safe (which has thousands of dollars and stashes of diamonds)


Then John Conner breaks into the house of one of Sarah's former lovers...a man he was also very close to. Then when he encounters the man, karate chops him and leaves....WTF did he break in for?

I've tried twice to give it a fair shake...I just can't like it....I've tried!

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