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Starcraft the Boardgame

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The StarCraft: the Board Game rules have been extracted and decrypted by Ghost operatives. They are available on the support page.


Three powerful alien races battle for control of the galaxy. Whether you choose to lead the versatile Terran, mysterious Protoss, or voracious Zerg, in StarCraft: The Board Game you'll command an army like no other in the universe!

Once again, Fantasy Flight Games brings one of the world's best-loved computer games to your tabletop. Players take control of the Protoss, Terran, or Zerg and battle across multiple worlds. True to the StarCraft legacy, each of the three races features a unique and distinctive play style, and the inclusion of two distinct factions for each race allows up to six players to compete for galactic dominance at a time.


Including a total of over 180 plastic figures and dozens of unit types, StarCraft: The Board Game features an innovative modular board consisting of planets of varying sizes which guarantees a new experience each and every game. An exciting card-driven combat system allows players to modify and upgrade their faction with a wealth of powerful technologies. Players can unleash a Zergling rush, use powerful Protoss shields to halt an enemy invasion, or even send cloaked Ghosts out to guide nuclear missiles to their target.

StarCraft: The Board Game



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I can't find when it will be released, but once I know I'll let you guys know.

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There should be a small number of these available at GenCon (I believe about a pallet's worth), but after that the expected release date is in October. And FFG is pretty bad about meeting release dates, so likely as not a month or two after that. My husband is working on an article/review for it for Knucklebones Magazine, and hopes to be able to demo it at GenCon as well as speaking further with the designer, so I can try to ask him to pass along some impressions after we get back if folks are interested.

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Oh, no complaints about FFG's quality from me, and we have a lot more than 4-5 of their games. (And I agree, Arkham Horror rocks!) It's more that sometimes people take release dates like they're written in stone, so I always figure it's best to mention about FFG's chronic tardiness. Since it's often to revise art or otherwise improve the product, it's for the best in my opinion.

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