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these pics are of a kelt musician i've just finished. base is only for "posing purposes". comments etc welcome! more models will be added as i finish them.




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He looks cool. I really like the face paint. I'm not familiar with this mini, but if the work on the scabbard and shield are freehand, then well done. The colors are very clean; excellent brush control.

The pictures are a bit blurry (a problem I still struggle with sometimes), especially towards the bottom. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's because the camera is focusing on the nearest object which blurs everything else.

Some of the transitions from highlight to shadow are kind of abrupt. Perhaps a wash might help ease those transitions and make them look smoother. I'm sure someone more qualified than me could explain it better.

Nice work overall.

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Welcome to the Wyrd Jondolar.

Good stuff, who manufacturered that miniature - Ikore?

Nope he's a Rackham Kelt Musician. :)

Welcome to Wyrd, jondalar! You didn't happen to get your name from the Jean Auel novels, did you?

Your camera doesn't look like it was set on macro for the pictures, it usually doen't blur so much if it was... but I'm no expert, just throwing some suggestions out there.


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thanx for welcome! shield and scabbard detail was sculpted on by rackham, camera was on macro but wouldn't focus on model as a whole( ggrrrr!) new photos going on tonight as using a camera with "super macro". will hopefully make a difference! yeah, name from Jean m Auel! fav. books as a child/adult.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heh, good, feel free to post them. Something that might work better for you as well is to go into out Galleriers>Member Galleries>Upload and you can upload all your pictures and simply direct folks there if you want or use the tag that comes with them to post them in the forum which it'll automatically pull up from the gallery.

We habbitually puge all attachements after about three months, only reason why I bring it up. :D

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Well i've finished two models, kalee from hasslefree and a kelt warrior from rackham. Used a cork base for the first time ever, though went a bit mad and ended up doing 20 odd in a few hours. just got to get them painted etc!

The warrior needs a coat of dullcoat to reduce shine, but really chuffed with how he turned out. please follow links below and i'd appreciate feedback!



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Heh, I did the same thing with the cork as well. Something that works well that I found out way late, is 'pumic paste' which really works out well for filling in some of the gaps and giving it a more natural look and not the odd straitions you'll get with some cork.

Like the Kelt the most I think. Good work.

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