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Problem leaving comments

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I have had the problem with the FIREFOX browser of not being able to cut and paste....anyone else have that problem?
I had a problem with cut and paste a while ago. I think I was using IE.

I couldn't paste in a large amount, but when I tried with one or two lines it worked okay. Haven't had that problem in a while, but haven't tried lately.

[edit] I am unable to leave comments on pics using "post reply" button either.

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Check to see if you are logged in when you go into the galleries. Some folks seem to have a problem of not being logged in when they go to the galleries, but are just fine when they are in the forums. We thought it was Firefox there for a bit, but I and lots of others seem to not have that problem, so it may be settings, security for cookies, etc.

For the future, if ya'll have bugs or issues, let me know what browsers you are using on the off chance it is something that might be browser related.

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Alrighty, well I'm thinking it has to do with the user rights through the software as I can post everything but the rest of ya'll can't. I'm messing with it now, hopefully will have it figured out here shortly, if not, I'll be knocking on the door of the fella that helped setup everything and we'll get it fixed.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

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I've got to edit the settings on that yet, its been a busy week for me between pulling 14 hour shifts at work for the last three weeks, working with printers for packaging, working with sculptors, working with concept artis and working with a software developer to upgrade the website and to integrate a new shopping cart on the site (likely another week before that goes live).

I'll get to it, before the contest entry set date is up if nothing else, I'm slowly whittling down the list, but more things keep getting added to the other end of it.

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Still cant post. It keeps giving me the following (yes both IE and Firefox and I'm checking to make sure I'm logged in):

  1. Please complete both the subject and message fields.
  2. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 0 characters.

As a side not the Gallery tab in the gallery areas gives a broken link.

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