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NEWS: Privateer Press Mercenary Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters

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Cylena was the foremost hunter of her shard even before recent tragedies, which have plunged her people into a desperate struggle to avenge the destruction of Nyss culture. Recent fighting for survival has honed them into a peerless killing force. These mercenary Nyss hunters unleash withering arcing volleys, pinning down foes regardless of attempts to hide or evade. They are equally adept with their claymores, each bearing an edge sharp enough to cleave flesh, bone, and even metal. The Mercenary Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters troop box and blisters release in June for WARMACHINE.


Nice! I really like these...they are a lot better than the previous Nyss Archers (the everblight ones). Can't wait to field them with my Khadorans :)

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I say it's a mixed bag.

I quite like the character model.

The bows do look like they could fold up and stick in your back pocket.

The description just annoys me because it calls them claymores when they are clearly katanas. (claymore is a double edged broadsword, Katana is a curved single-edged sword)

The male faces I don't care for at all, though that's just taste as they appear to be very well sculpted.

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Indeed. You know after the rpg version of the Nyss sorceress, I was seriously expecting cooler stuff out of these. Their faces dont even look elven to me, except on the chick and almost the one guy with a hood. They're too craggy. The bows are just bizzare and the fur trimmed cloak things feel more in the way then anything else. I know what it is, the cloaks dont follow the same movement as the rest of the figure. I love the studded armor, but I'm Not sure it makes up for the rest. I will say the greens do look better then the paint though, which is rather unusual. It's probably because the cloaks were done teh same color as the armor, makes em look flatter.

As for the Claymore vs. Katana issue the RPG goes into the whole Nyss sword thing and they are very much supposed to be Katana.

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The bows are just bizzare and the fur trimmed cloak things feel more in the way then anything else.

I didn't realize that was supposed to be fur trim. How utterly stupid. And unfortunate. I thought the guy second from the right looked kind of cool standing on one leg with the left leg bent and raised pointing knee to the side. Looked like he'd just dropped off a roof or something.

Now I see he's just running. Meh.

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