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The Magic Missle Larpers

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ok, so I go into this other gaming store near me (not my normal one, it's a bit further away, was looking for LOTR minis :) ), and I swear that this place is packed with these people! But they weren't actually doing this, but talking about it, and planning the rules for it so that they "could stay in character this time and not have to fight over the rules". VERY scarey

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Heh - I'm sorry, but that's rather typical. I admit it, I used to be a hell of a gaming geek back in the days, played D&D, AD&D, Storyteller Whitewolf, Tunnels and Trolls, board games .. etc. Loved every bit of it, and if my wife was into that sort of stuff and I had friends around that liked it, I would probably still be doing it.

Still though ... even back then, I had to roll my eyes at folks like these, or the ones that would come in, unwashed, greasy hair, clothing fitting ill and would spend hours arguing over rules and other whatnot about games. I used to run the counter for hobby store (Gator Games in San Mateo, think they are still up) and we would get this ALL the time. Had to laugh. A lot.

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heh, yeah, I imagine it comes up a lot, I just don't spend much time in game stores anymore since the end of my warhammer playing days. And the mini store I do go to is mostly a toy store with minis in the back, so it doesn't attract the hard core geeks to stand around and chat about this crap...erm, stuff for hours. But this other store is one with like 6 game tables set up at all times. I went in at 11am (opening) on Saturday and the place was already filled with about 10 guys, from kids to greesy haired older guys, some rolling up characters on one table, the rest standing around the register talking very energetically on these topics to a rather bored looking employee. This guy was definately the "holier than thou gamer type, who is king of the mountain in this store"

Although what I did find ammusing, is that I bought some LOTR, and he asked if I played and I told him it was just for painting. Well he then goes into some god-painter complex mode with me, lol, talking about his advanced techniques and if I've heard of using washes...and that I should try that as it compliments drybrushing well... :)

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I rarely go into stores anymore for gaming material and get it all online these days. The last time I was in a store I was swamped with these geeks that hadn't bathed, much less seen a woman, in forever and they were trying to help me out, or looking at me sideways and blushing bright red when I caught them looking at my legs.

Bleaaachk! No thank you.

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I rarely go into stores anymore for gaming material and get it all online these days. The last time I was in a store I was swamped with these geeks that hadn't bathed, much less seen a woman, in forever and they were trying to help me out, or looking at me sideways and blushing bright red when I caught them looking at my legs.

Bleaaachk! No thank you.

See, even I know not to show leg in a place like that!... I see creepy people...

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I rarely go into stores anymore for gaming material and get it all online these days. The last time I was in a store I was swamped with these geeks that hadn't bathed, much less seen a woman, in forever and they were trying to help me out, or looking at me sideways and blushing bright red when I caught them looking at my legs.

Bleaaachk! No thank you.

Thats the same reason I don't go into those stores too....

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Although what I did find ammusing, is that I bought some LOTR, and he asked if I played and I told him it was just for painting. Well he then goes into some god-painter complex mode with me, lol, talking about his advanced techniques and if I've heard of using washes...and that I should try that as it compliments drybrushing well... :)
You should print out business cards with your web site for whenever anyone tries to tell you how to paint.

Or, less cynically, whenever anyone asks for help in their painting.

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You should print out business cards with your web site for whenever anyone tries to tell you how to paint.

Or, less cynically, whenever anyone asks for help in their painting.

lol, maybe, although step one might be to figure out how to put up a web site.

I'm thinking about actually starting to clean my shelves a little and sell some of these darn things, so perhaps a web site may get more useful :)

I think maybe on the To-do list for 2006!

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