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Last Stop on This Spooky Train!

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Hey Wyrdos,

The wait is nearly over! After spending the last few months carefully ensuring the quality of components for the Vagrantsong: Encore and Off the Rails Kickstarter, we are ready to start wrapping things up!


On May 28th, we will be closing the Pledge Manager for the Vagrantsong campaign and will be collecting payment shortly thereafter.

If you have already backed the Kickstarter, make sure to check either your email or the Kickstarter Update (found here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wyrdgames/vagrantsong-encore/posts/4101022) for more information on any next steps you may need to take.

If you haven’t already backed the game or its expansions yet but want to, don’t fret! You have until we close the Pledge Manager to put in your order! Here’s how you can back the game and expansions:

  1. Head to the Vagrantsong Pledge Manager page here: https://wyrd.pledgemanager.com/projects/vagrantsong-encore/participate/

  2. Choose the Pledge option on the right side of the page that best suits what you’re looking for by either clicking the associated “Pledge $X” or “Join” button.

  3.  Enter in your email address in the next prompt and click Join Project.

  4.  Follow any other necessary prompts and add all the goodies to your order!

Lastly, if you backed the Kickstarter but haven’t joined the Pledge Manager yet, now is the time to do so! Without taking the final steps on the Pledge Manager, we won’t know where to mail your stuff! Make sure to check your email that is associated with your Kickstarter account to find out how. If you still run into trouble, reach out to us via our Contact form (https://www.wyrd-games.net/contact) and we’ll help where we can!

This is your last chance to scoop up a bunch of exclusive Vagrantsong goodies, so make sure to hop on this train before it’s too late!

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