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Echoes of the Breach: Fractured Futures Global Campaign Announcement

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Welcome to Echoes of the Breach: Fractured Futures, the 2024 global Malifaux campaign! At the bottom of this post, you will find all of the relevant links to play in the campaign, but for now let’s find out what this is all about.

The campaign starts today, April 17th, and it will conclude on Friday, May 31st.

In this campaign, you and your opponents will help to determine the fate of Nia: a wayward traveler who has had her future fractured as she crossed through the Breach into Malifaux. She does not yet know it, but she will soon be faced with tremendous possibility. Nia’s Fate is intertwined with some of the most powerful figures in Malifaux. The path chosen is up to you.

Every Wednesday during the campaign, we will update the campaign landing page so you know which fate Nia is leaning towards: https://www.wyrd-games.net/echoes-of-the-breach

This campaign will be decided by the games you play and it will influence every aspect of the game from story to mechanics, so choose your side carefully! 

Read the first half of Nia’s story here: Fractured Futures Pt. 1

What Is At Stake?

There are eight paths Nia may go down, each associated with an existing Keyword. Throughout the campaign, you will be playing games to score points in support of one of those paths. The future that has scored the most points as of the end of the campaign will be declared the winner and it will become reality!

The winning Keyword will gain Nia as a playable model and their story will advance as Nia’s Fate intertwines with their own. Since story, theme, and mechanics are all so deeply linked, this will also likely result in updated rules for some models in that Keyword, depending on how that story plays out! The eight Keywords Nia may become a part of are as follows:

You can see how Nia appeared when she first came to Breachtown below, but this will not be the final version of her. Nia will receive new art and a new sculpt depending on which Keyword wins and what happens to her! In addition, the final chapter of her story will be released once the campaign is over, and it will reflect the results of the campaign.

You may always choose to support any path you like, regardless of the Faction or Keyword you are currently playing!

Nia on the Table

In case you missed the campaign announcement, here is the art for Nia


Campaign games will require a 30mm Nia Marker. You are more than welcome to use any appropriately sized model (or a blank base) to represent this Marker, however, we have taken the additional step of making Nia available for download as an STL for you to print at home!

Find the STL on our webstore here: Nia STL

You may also print out and cut out a paper 30mm Nia Token here: 30mm Nia Marker

If you don’t have a 3D printer, don’t hesitate to look around, many libraries are now equipped with one.

Playing a Campaign Game

When you play a campaign game, the Nia Marker will start in the center of the board. You and your opponent will each choose a Thread of Fate (abbreviated Thread) which represents the future you want Nia to have. Each Thread has an effect that will make the Nia Marker act in different ways, making every campaign game unique! 

Strategies and Schemes are still chosen normally. A campaign game adds to a normal game of Malifaux, it does not take anything away! 

In addition to this, you will choose one of two Objectives associated with your Thread and, if you complete it, you will score 1 VP, as well as 1 point for your chosen Thread in the overall campaign.

It does not matter what Crew or Faction you play, you may still choose any Thread. And you may choose a different Thread every game if you wish.

This is just scratching the surface, for the full rules, see the campaign document: Global Campaign Document

For your convenience, we also created campaign reference cards: 

Campaign Card Digital Set

Campaign Thread Card Print Version

Reporting Games

When you are done playing your campaign game, submit your results with this Google form:

Echoes of the Breach: Fractured Futures Reporting Form

On this form, you answer whether you completed your Objective, whether your opponent completed theirs, and who won. If you played in person, you will also be asked for a picture of the game and the game store or club you played at (if any) to potentially earn prize support for your local store. Games played in person will be worth double campaign points, so you will be more likely to determine Nia’s fate if you can get your models out on a table!

Only one player per game may fill out this form, so if your opponent fills out a report, you may not. You must submit your form within 24 hours of playing your game. Forms submitted after 11:59pm EST on May 31st will not be counted.

Support Your Local Game Stores

This campaign also gives your favorite game stores a chance to shine and win big! Simply list the store where you played the campaign game in your report, and they'll be entered into a raffle for extra product support. Plus, if your store is randomly selected, you and your fellow gamers will win the Fate Bound Fate Deck, an exclusive item not for sale and only available through Wyrd events. It's a win-win for everyone!


Fate Bound Fate Deck 

Please note: We will be verifying participation with the stores to ensure fairness and transparency throughout the campaign.

Let's rally behind our game stores and strengthen our community across the globe. 

Store Resources

We have some resources for you to download in order to advertise the campaign. If you would like to put some fliers up in your store, you can download them here:

Play Here Fliers


This is your chance to influence every aspect of the game we all love! So get out there and fight for the future you want, you can start playing RIGHT NOW! Nia’s fate hangs in the balance…

And if you want to discuss the campaign with other players, be sure to have a look at the campaign section of our Discord channel. It will last for the duration of the campaign and has special emotes to help you support your chosen Thread: https://discord.gg/AtnWhWvc7s

Here are all the links you may need:

Campaign Rules:  https://www.wyrd-games.net/s/M3E_Echoes-of-the-Breach_Campaign-Document-tykn.pdf

Campaign Reference Cards:


Print: https://www.wyrd-games.net/s/M3E_Echoes-of-the-Breach_Quick-Ref-Cards_PRINT.pdf

Reporting Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfY3mNEpCNWqj2BOFrqxCxs7YJg_2gWMy9w9gKVIBAfcD8aSw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Nia STL: https://giveusyourmoneypleasethankyou-wyrd.com/products/echoes-of-the-breach-fractured-futures-nia-model-stl-file

Nia Paper Token: https://www.wyrd-games.net/s/M3E_Nia_Marker.pdf

Nia’s Story: https://www.wyrd-games.net/s/M3E_Echoes-of-the-Breach.pdf

Campaign Landing Page: https://www.wyrd-games.net/echoes-of-the-breach

Store/Advertising Resources: https://www.wyrd-games.net/fractured-futures

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32 minutes ago, Trimasel said:

I'm planning to run tournament on May with campaign rules. Can I as TO report their games or should I ask players report their rounds individually (per pair)? 


Thanks for this excellent question! For a tournament type of situation, it would be the TO. Please shoot an email to hobby.assistant@wyrd-games.net with the relevant details of the event, and I'll make sure the folks processing the game reports know to expect a flood of responses from one person.


NOTE: Anyone else wishing to run a tournament with the campaign rules, please reach out before the event to discuss your needs!

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