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Waldo's Weekly - Reflection on Gen Con 2023!

Hobby Wyrd

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Heya Wyrdos!

As soon as Waldo got home from Gen Con, he immediately grabbed his comfort snacklebox and flapped away into the warehouse's rafters for a much-earned rest. Don't worry, we've got our poking stick ready to wake him in about a week. While we find ways to drown out the eerie snores echoing throughout the office, here's a look back at Wyrd's Gen Con 2023!

With the amazing work of our Gen Con team and volunteers, this Gen Con 2023 isn't one we'll soon forget! The booth was packed with plenty to browse and buy, and we got to show off some peeks at our upcoming title Ashes of Malifaux.


Aside from the fun and action at the Wyrd Booth, we had many opportunities for visitors to the Event Hall to make their Gen Con a little more Wyrd. Those in the mood for some M3E had plenty of options! The Henchman Hardcore event on Thursday ended with Bryan B. in 1st place, Andrew L. in 2nd place, and Logan D. in 3rd place

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Friday had Malifaux Masquerade, along with the chaotic and casual fun Double Random Rush, where players were given a different teammate and crew each round! Random Rush had David C. come in 1st, Cole T. in 2nd, and Bryan B. rounding out the podium in 3rd place!

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Saturday kicked off the Tyrant Tournament, where participants played 3 rounds in the hope of securing the Tyrant Belt! Nathan L. took home the belt in 1st place, with Joe P. in 2nd, and Chris S. in 3rd place!

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Rounding up the Malifaux fun on Sunday was Bonanza Brawl a fun twist on our Enforcer Brawl format. Victoria B. with Archie came in 1st place, while Danielle O. and Story of Sun Wukong came in 2nd place. In a woeful finish, Roman H. and his Sorrow rounded out the podium in 3rd place.

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Malifaux 3E wasn't the only wargaming fun to be had in Wyrd style! There were events for The Other Side, with Titan Smash on Friday and Saturday which allowed players to control a Titan of their choice in a bid for area control! The Other Side format Against the Odds debuted this Gen Con with 2 Saturday events, giving players an asymmetrical battle of Earth vs overwhelming Malifaux forces!

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The convention wasn't only about miniatures! Bayou Bash: Hog Wild allowed players to discover new chaos in the Bayou, and keen-eyed folks even spotted some familiar previews!

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Our Vagrantsong: Encore experience let folks meet Slag Pile Annie in a new scenario from the expansion. If you're eager to meet her yourself, Vagrantsong: Encore is coming to Kickstarter in September!

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In addition to all the gaming to be had, there were our Splash of Color Paint & Take events, Through the Breach character creations, take events and some creative Wyrdos even showed up in Malifaux cosplay!

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While the Wyrd Gen Con team worked tirelessly throughout the convention, the success and fun of Wyrd at Gen Con couldn't have been possible without our amazing volunteers. One volunteer, Maht C., has expertly managed our tournaments, and we're deeply thankful for all the ways Maht has supported and contributed to this vibrant community!

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That’s all for now Wyrdos, see you next week for more Waldo’s Weekly!




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