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Into the Dojo : Part 15 - Wastrel vs Ancestors


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So as I’m starting to get the hang of Honeypot and Ancestors, I thought it was time to branch out and get a feel of the Wastrel keyword in a face off vs Ancestors.


Carve a path // Corner

Spread them Out, Vendetta, Breakthrough, Load ‘Em Up Sabotage

One flank was heavily forested, while the rest was littered with mountains and stone pillars.


Spiritwalker + Soulporter + 5 Stones



2x Kabuki


Plan was to attach Yin to the Spiritwalker and have a flying scheme/guntower, while the took a hard center. Trying to avoid the forested area. Going for STO and Bre.



Tomb Delver + Luna + 3 Stones

2x Rough Riders




Dawn Serpent

Plan was to win through speed. Sending Wanyudo and Dawn Serpent through the forest, while letting the rest engage the Ancestors. Going for Bre. and Sab.



Lots of stumbling, the Wastrels wanted to capitalize on their looted cards, let Luna uncover a scap marker and tripped over their feet, as they tried getting out of their own bubble. The fiery duo regretted their initial plan and took a turn playing the ball more towards the centre, where they teamed up with Sidir. While the rest got divided by a mountaing as they advanced fast, pushing their marker across the centerline.

The ancestors also blundered, where Yan / Yin should take the flank a samurai and a Kabuki went to kick ball. While Toshiro and the other Kabuki went center. Yet the old guy still held the aces, the soul porter kicked the Yan Reliquae to Yin and the Yin reliquae to the Kabuki walking down the center. Then Yin flew out and suddenly ol’ Yan was in the center with 4 actions + a charge from Yin ending in one dead Rough Rider and Desper badly wounded.

It looked like a bad day to be robbing old guys’ tombs.


By freakish luck and poor Yin flips, Desper managed to survive and punt his ball further up field. He was up to 2 health thanks to a mirror, but didn’t get far himself due to slow. An overconfident Toshiro decided to ignore him, instead to move into position to benefit the minions, and the Soul Porter went for the kill - but a lucky soulstone kept Desper alive.

Tomb Delver tried to circumvent shooting at Yin by shooting Yan with his Pepperbox and blasting, but forgetting about Lunas Hunting Partner, allowed Yin to live - only to go down to a very focused Rough Rider.

While on the other side, Sidir managed to pepper the Kabuki, before it closed in, taking the ball with it across the line, and Sidir then got cut down under the orders of Toshiro. Then got charged by Wanyudo - to get in and punt the second ball over the centreline

A Stunned Yan never really made a dent in this round, although he did Obey the sammie to punt the ball across the centreline

By the end of the turn, all 4 balls was across the centre, yet no schemes were revealed.

SCORE : Wastrel 1 vs Ancestors 1


The fight was on, dead bodies piled up everywhere, and the Kabuki quickly dispatched the Wanyudo. Luna and the The Rough Rider took out the other Kabuki, scaring Yan Lo to flee and attach himself to the Porter, while stripping health off the Tomb Delver, letting Tomb Delver pick up a Time Worn Bull Whip and start ripping the samurai’s armor apart. Unfortunately, just missing one fatal hit.

The Dawn Serpent burned the Yin/Kabuki to a crisp then took up position one inch between the two balls.

And no one seemed to care that Desper punted his ball into the end zone and dropped a scheme marker.

SCORE : Wastrel 3 (Strat + Bre.) vs Ancestors 2 (Strat)


Both masters went down this turn, Yan from the fiery Breath of the Dawn Serpent, that not only would claim his life, but also the Porter and set Toshiro on fire. Tomb Delver from getting skewered by the samurai, then shot to pieces by a desperate Yan Lo. Toshiro charged in to engage the dawn serpent, but no effect.

Meanwhile Desper was happily leaping about, setting up a bomb.

SCORE : Wastrel 5 (Strat + Sab.) vs Ancestors 2


The scum was inconsequental at this point, only thing left was for Desper to score a final Sabotage point.

SCORE : Wastrel 6 (Sab.) vs Ancestors 2



I didn’t expect this.

The ancestors lost to hubris, as they in their bloodlust ignored Desper - who singlehandedly scored 4 points. Their big failure was to allow Yan to engage and getting bogged down. While he should have been off scoring points.

Meanwhile I have a lot to learn about unpacking and moving the Wastrels around. It might have been smarter to send riders off through the forest, and getting the Wanyudo and Dawn serpent into the fight, or maybe have looked into a huckster or two for dedicated scheming.

The Yin / Yan combo showed lots of potential. Yin can do great in a fight, but her strength is speed/scheming. While I’m sure if Toshiro had had all the minions with him, the center would have been much harder to deal with.

Good game and lots of learning from the dojo.

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