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Fatemaster Friday - Online Exploits! Combining Resources.


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Freaky Friday Breachers!

The Dreamer invaded my dreams last and gave me all sorts of adventures and horrors to contemplate, so while I recover the sanity and adjust to this new reality let’s talk about Online Exploits!

Before venturing into another virtual tabletop simulator, I’m going to talk about combining platforms.

Discord is currently one of the platforms most friends I know use to supplement their tabletop games. With screen sharing an option for player flips or map grids, and voice chat for roleplaying discussions, discord can be a great platform for connecting players from different areas. It may not cover all the needs, but there are options like TavernKeeper and Obsidian Portal to supplement the TTB experience. 

Tavern Keeper has a wiki feature, a place for character bios, and a play by post feature. This can help keep GM notes or announcements between sessions, and give the players a place to keep their own notes or communications. Tavernkeeper is a suitable resource for a more traditional play by post game, but combined with Discord it can help add a little something to online sessions.

Obsidian Portal has many of the same features as Tavernkeeper, but also has a place to upload maps, which comes in handy if they players all need to access the maps for your campaign. A lot of the other features are locked behind a paywall, so it’s up to you to decide if want the upgraded features, but it’s adequate as a little extra something to bring a Discord or Roll20 game.

Overall, making use of a couple different resources can make for a smoother game than trying to find one that will meet every need. Next week we’ll be looking at another Virtual Table Top platform. This week, I’d like to know what kinds of platforms have you used in the past for your in person games, and how you utilized them to make your games even better!

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