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[POLAND, Warsaw] 9-10 December, Polish National Team Tournament


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Hello everyone,

In the name of all the organizers I would like to invite all of you to the first Polish National Team Tournament in Warsaw.
The event will take place in Warsaw Wargaming Club 'Dragon', near the Chopin Airport, also easely accessed from the city center via public transport.
It's a two day-long tournament for three men-strong teams. Due to the proximity of the Holidays we plan to add a touch of charity to the event. ^_^

1. 3x team Fixed Faction 50SS
2. Time for game: TBD
3. Schemes: GG18 (if no final version, the version valid for a week before the tournament)
4. 5 min before the end of round, referee calls for last activation. The active player on each table, which didn`t end, end his current activation (no chain activations allowed) and the players go directly to the calculate VP step
5. All players must have accessories required to play (models, stat cards, fate deck, measuring tape, corpse/scrap/scheme and other necessary markers)
6. No full paint is required but each team will get +2VP to the general ranking for each player that played only using painted models.
7. If you wish to register, please send an email to malifauxpoland@gmail.com. The email should have the names of the players with their factions and the team name.

Pairing rules:
1. Team are composed of 3 players with different factions and masters. 
2. Before the game (after seeing the 3 tables and scheme pools for each one) the players nominate 3 master they wish to play
3. The captains flip a card and the winner can be team A or team B (reflip ties)

Team A:
Selects one player.

Team B:
Selects 2 players to play the selected player from team A

Team A:
Selected players picks one of the assigned 2 players.

Team B:
Assigned player chooses the table with schemes.

Then team B and A switch

Last players play each other on the table that was not selected

4. Determining sides and deployment remains as per RB

5. Schemes and Strategies: each round will have a set of 3 S&S pools assigned to specific tables. The S&S will not be generated using the RB algorithm so there can be pools to make them more interesting (both schemes and strategies can be doubled or tripled on the same 3 tables)

6. The winner of the match is the team that won 2 out of the 3 games. If no team has 2 wins then we calculate the difference in VP from all 3 games. If the VP diff is 3 or less, the game ends in a tie. Else the game ends with a win from the team with the better differential. A win is 3 TP, a draw is 1 TP, a loss is 0 VP.


On the saturday after tournament we're organizing an integration meeting celebrating upcoming holidays. We'll prepare some traditional Polish Christmas dishes. Also, brace for vodka.

When: 9-10 December 2017, start at 10.00 am (UTC +01.00)
Where: Warsaw Wargaming Club 'Dragon', Krakowska avenue 114 (Aviation Institute), Warsaw, POLAND
Fee: PLN 50
Team composition: 3 players
Contact: malifauxpoland@gmail.com 


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