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Amesbury, Massachusetts Achievement League: 8/7/17


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Join us in Amesbury Massachusetts for a Achievement league to help kick of the Summer!


113B Main St, Amesbury, MA 01913


6 weeks, Starting on Monday and ending on Sunday, long starting on Monday August 7th. Sundays will be League Days for the purposes of earning League Day Achievements.

We will be increasing the Soulstones of the crews used as follows:

  • Week 1: 35 Soulstones

  • Week 2: 40 Soulstones

  • Week 3: 45 Soulstones

  • Week 4: 50 Soulstones

  • Week 5: 50 Soulstones

  • Week 6: 50 Soulstones

The league will draw to a close on the Sunday of Week 6 at the conclusion of League Day.

Entry Fee

$5 - All entry fees go towards prize support.


Rules can be found here. Shout out to @PeregrineFalcon for letting me plunder some of his achievements. Achievement printouts will be provided to participants. 


Prizes will be awarded to the 3 players with the most achievements (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place). In addition players will have a chance to win various raffle prizes. Players will receive 1 raffle ticket for every 5 Achievement Points they earn. A Guilder will be rewarded to all participants! 

Other Local Happenings

Live Free or Die Cheating 2017 2-Day Malifaux Tournament - Perhaps one of the best New England events out there. If you haven’t gone you really should. Great people, great drinks, and great swag…. Did I mention it’s great?

Amesbury Malifaux Demos - Swing down for a demo sometime. Bring your friends, bring your friends’ friends, Bring people you don’t know that you come across on your way down!

New England Malifaux Facebook - Join the New England Malifaux Facebook group to keep informed and in touch with the awesome local Malifaux community!

Questions, Concerns, etc?

Comment here or shoot me an E-Mail at necroonmalifaux@gmail.com

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