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Sustained offensive spells

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I was thinking of including multiple round attack spells. For instance putting an increased duration immutos onto a fire elemental projectile and then having it do multiple rounds of damage but I don't know if I should decrease the damage for every round or make it harder for the person caught in the attack to escape

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8 hours ago, CaptianEinsteinAlucard said:

I was thinking of including multiple round attack spells. For instance putting an increased duration immutos onto a fire elemental projectile and then having it do multiple rounds of damage but I don't know if I should decrease the damage for every round or make it harder for the person caught in the attack to escape

Soooooo.... something like DOT effects?

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Please allow me to pitch an idea.

Elemental Attachment

Sorcery, TN 5T Rst: WP

Requires an Elemental Immuto 

Effect: Target gains the following condition for 5 rounds: Elementally Attached (Element): At the start of every round of dramatic time, this character gains an effect determined by the immuto used.

Examples of this could be poison. This effect would effectively give poison +5 without catalyst effects being devastating attacks.

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Might have to add a bit to that.  The problem is you could stack an Elemental Immuto.  What if they do Ice twice?  Sure it makes the TN higher but you could have someone paralyzed for 5 rounds.  You could stack Burning +3 so they basically are taking 15wds unless they have armor or spend AP reducing the burning.  Or Natural where you can basically keep a model from moving for those turns.  Even if you just went for a single Ice Immuto you could be giving a model slow for 5 rounds.  Dark or Light would be rough to as Blind is a nasty condition

Honestly I would think the starting TN needs to be much higher, to make it rougher to pull the spell off initially with how strong the effects would be.  I would also consider having it be you could not stack more than one Elemental Immuto on the spell so no Burning +3 or double Ice for Paralyze.

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