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Cuddle and Buff Your Faction!


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Hey all, thought a session of "what do you think needs cuddles and buffs" might be a fun little thought experiment to get going in here!  So here's what to do: choose 1 or 2 things in your faction to buff, and 1 or 2 things in your faction to cuddle.  Explaining why you made your choices is good, or an idea of what you think it needs.  To start things off, I'll go with Arcanists:


Born Of Fire - The only Kaeris upgrade I've never considered taking, with it adding on two triggers that are both fairly difficult to pull off.  I'm not really sure changes would have me taking it, but 2ss for two "on kill" triggers for the same attack just doesn't do it for me.


Practiced Productions - it's just so good, especially now with Dig Their Graves having a 4" range to select a Scheme Marker from (very doable even with PP's placement restriction).  It seems like a lot of people specifically have an issue with the Malifaux Raptor and PP combo, so I'd maybe add in "non-Peon" for the placement target.  If that happened, so as to not mess with Colette's Mech Doves and Mannequin I'd maybe add a line on All Part Of The Show that lets friendly minions consider them non-Peons.

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I can do half of this right now. 

Guild buffing:

Guild Guard. Bring their stats up to the average of 5 instead of below average 4. Not being able to shoot well until they're a reanimated corpse is laughable - yes I get the joke but for gameplay purposes it is depressing. 

Santiago Ortega. The only Family member that doesn't see play even post-errata. We had a thread on getting this guy upgraded a while back where a lot of people presented great zero cost upgrades for him that I can't remember now. Just make him not suck, please. His model is great but after one game it collects dust.

Guild Riflemen. Giving them a similar upgrade (ignoring restrictions) to the Ox Mages where they get cheaper when you take two or three. They're so easy to counter and take up a big chunk of points. Because you never take just one anyway, this could make them see more play. I don't think they need an EXTRA bump with the Ox's damage reduction discard, which I think is too much on a zero cost fix upgrade. 


...Nothing? If this was pre-errata there would be the same ones listed here that already got reduced. I'm struggling to think of a Guild model that the community cries about now. There are more models needing a step up to get to par than there are excellent models who could take a step back. 

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Ten Thunders. Second main faction thus a second post!


High River Monks. They're garbage. Hot, stinking garbage. There was a thread about buffing them that I started (you could say there's a theme here) with a lot of good ideas to help them. 

Yan Lo. The old man needs some love. He's only good in niche situations and if he's your favorite master you're in for a rough time in 75% of the time. Making his schtick not be so late-game intensive might help him get more flexibility. 

Brewmaster. See Yan. Also, Gremlins, booooo.

Cuddling softy:

Sensei Yu. This one hurts because I love him so much. He's expensive but can do so much for a crew that he was near auto-include no matter the scheme or strats. Increasing his TN's by one could be enough...

Ten Thunder Bros. The go-to scheme runner that blows everyone out of the water. Dropping the +1Df on their Tome trigger would be fine. Getting Df7 so easily on a cost 5 model is rough. 

Yasunori. This one I haven't used or seen in person but I've seen enough on the internet to know he should be 13ss. He isn't a Rider, he's a Nekima.  

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