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35ss Hoffman List Help


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  Hey all, my buddies and I are just getting into the game and are doing a games day with 35ss games this weekend.  Just wanted to get people's thoughts on this Hoffman list.

Strat: collect the bounty

schemes: convict labor, show of force, take prisoner, mark for death,  public demo

hoffman- field mechanic

mechanical attendant


ryle- debt to the guild

peacekeeper- debt to the guild

  I would be taking show of force along with marked for death.  I also own the Ramos starter box if anyone has suggestions.  Thanks! 





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I don't play Hoffman myself but it seems legit to me.

The arcanist-heavy route with Joss and Langston supported by a mobile toolkit and guardian will probably pack more of a punch but might have some other drawbacks. It won't have as much healing for instance.

Let us know how it went!

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3 hours ago, Morgs said:

PROTIP: If someone turns up with the Viks, DO NOT let the one with mark of shezuul inside the hoffball. She will kill half/most/all of your crew. I like a metal gamin for armour 2 and Ca10 on Charlie-boy. Ml7 Steam Arachnid Swarms look like fun too.

 I would flip the table and cry behind it.  Probably the worst  counter in the game

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19 hours ago, Greenterror88 said:

Thanks for the advice.  Actually my other buddy plays the Viks regularly.  Maybe that would be a good time to break out Lady J.

She could really punish them for missing her (but it might require a joker) or hang back to threaten them after they charge in. I tend to see Lady Justice as doing a lot less damage than the Viks and tied to a lot lower threat range and not ignoring the defensive abilities they ignore.

Perdita could be an interesting pick against them. Defence 9 is hard even for the Viks to hit and she can do very respectable damage against those squishy gals before they get stuck in.

A ridiculously defensive Sonnia list might also be able to rein them in. Set up a few walls and have a bunch of witchlings so set them on fire if they kill them. If you add burning to Sonnia's attacks you can get past that pesky hard to kill. If you manage to out-activate them they should need to be a little careful about where they charge in since Sonnia can threaten huge parts of the board. I believe out-activation is a really big thing when facing them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/11/2016 at 9:58 AM, Ludvig said:

Perdita could be an interesting pick against them. Defence 9 is hard even for the Viks to hit and she can do very respectable damage against those squishy gals before they get stuck in.

A ridiculously defensive Sonnia list might also be able to rein them in. Set up a few walls and have a bunch of witchlings so set them on fire if they kill them. If you add burning to Sonnia's attacks you can get past that pesky hard to kill. If you manage to out-activate them they should need to be a little careful about where they charge in since Sonnia can threaten huge parts of the board. I believe out-activation is a really big thing when facing them.

Red joker in hand/flipped with perdita does enough damage to kill them, barring stones. That or two moderates, which is easier. Between that, Df9 and Finger On the Trigger she's great against them.

I've had good success against them with Sonnia too. Closing charge lanes, blasting off them with Ca9 or using Inferno if you think she may bite it, are all pretty good vs the Viks. 2 damage and burning 1, twice is a lot when you only have 7 wounds.

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