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Nellie: Debt to the Guild list


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The results I've gotten have been pretty good so far. In strat and scheme pools with Show of Force and Hunting Party this has becomes very decent. I've had bad match ups with Ten Thunders especially when they bring the Lone Swordsman.


50 SS Guild Crew
Nellie Cochrane + 5 Pool
 - Delegation (1)
The Printing Press (3)
Ryle (10)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Phiona Gage (8)
 - Wrath of The Guild (1)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Francisco Ortega (8)
 - Wade In (1)
 - A Debt To The Guild (1)
Guardian (8)
Guild Austringer (6)
 (exported from CrewFaux)


Rule and Guardian are typically kept together so Ryle can get Grind to a Halt off with the Guardian's Protect for double defensive . Guardian is the only model I've swapped out so far. Originally he was a second austringer + upgrades, but I've seen the arguement for swapping him for Nino or a Hunter. Ryle getting into Melee is also just as deadly as his range and with Nellie I've increased his threat range significantly. Especially when I found out I can target him with Propaganda to push him 5 inches.  

Austringer will typically eat the opponent's hand turn 2 when I give him Fast. 3 Raptor attacks with Masks:mask makes the rest of the list more dangerous. 

 Nellie will typically give Frank Fast then Companion him. Later on in the turn I'll use the printing press to give Nellie +1 evidence so she drops a scheme marker. That way in the following turn she can use it to push 6 with her Zero action. This also helps getting her into Frank's El Mayor range. So far I've had no one try to attack Nellie though.

Debt to the Guild is the best though. I've taken it on all 3 and it's boosted my damage significantly. I killed Perdita in one Frank charge at min damage 4(2 + built in crit + debt) with the possibility of being Min 6 if I have a high ram and stone. And with the refund of 1ss on death I get more resources for my other Henchmen to negate damage or get better card draw. 5ss can become 8ss. Debt + Fast + Nellie's Propaganda/Angry Mob is deadly to elite models.

So far my only problem has been the Lone Swordsman ignoring armor and hard to kill. I've lost both Phiona and Frank to him on multiple occasions. And I've got no way I know of to deal with him yet.

Strategy wise this list has done fine on Collect the Bounty for me as well as Interference. Interference may have been a fluke, but I killed so many enemy models by the end of game I was dropping Schemes for search the ruins with only Nino and Santiago to contend with. 

Good Schemes

Show of Force, Hunting Party, Leave Your Mark, Exhaust their Forces,Covert Breakthrough, Undercover Entourage, Neutralize the Leader, Catch and Release, Search the Ruins, Mark for Death, Inspection, A Quick Murder.

Bad Schemes

Public Demonstration and Occupy their Turf due to low minion count. Frame for Murder because of high henchman count.


Convict Labor, Take Prisoner, Detonate the Charges, Set Up

What do you think?


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