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Another Anna Dress Question



I feel somewhat foolish for even asking this, but if an enemy cannot "end" a push within Anna's aura, can it even start one if it's not far enough to get out?

I have a strong dislike of enemy gremlins pushing away on a successful defense trigger and I am expecting to face a lot of them in the near future. I was considering hiring Anna for the aura to prevent them from doing this. After reading the other Dress questions, this wasn't actually covered. 

Say a gremlin has a 3" push, but is base to base with Anna. No way to get out of the aura with any push. Does that gremlin then not push at all? It seems like that, but I can see an opponent not accepting that, even though there's no other feasible way to interpret this.


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For the most part, you answered the question yourself. There's (almost) no feasible way for a push that short to end outside the aura, so you can't push at all.

However, there is one case where you could push <8" from base contact with Anna and still leave the aura: if you push through an incorporeal model and break LoS. For example if Anna and the Hungering Darkness are sandwiching a gremlin between them, and the gremlin squeels away from Anna, it can push through Huggy due to incorporeal, and once it's on the other side, will be out of Anna's LoS so has not ended a push within :aura8. You'd need enough movement to push all the way through, including base, but Squeels are all 4" which is just enough to do it in this case.


EDIT: I mean you could also push like around a corner or something, but I was thinking pushing directly away

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If the push would end within 8 :aura of her, the push would be stopped. If their push would take them out of Anna Lovelace's line of sight (and thus, out of her aura) it would still go off. If the push is only part of the action, the rest of the action might still happen, depending on how it is worded.


The key is the wording of her ability:


Clockwork Dress: Enemy models may not end push or movement effects [...]

Emphasis on 'end' is mine, but that's the crux of it.

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