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best pairs for 2 master tournaments


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So often when I look at a 3 round tournament I will pick 2 masters for the day. This is for several reasons, 1) its easier to practice with only 2 masters, 2) less space in the bag/tray needed and 3) Most of the time 2 masters are all you need unless one scheme pool is just amazing for that one master you always want to get in but always hesitate with.

So what are your favorite master team ups and why?

For me its Colette and Rasputina. Between the two of them I can cover almost any scheme pool and can also work well in any deployment set up as well. I'm just learning Marcus and I think he might switch out with Raspy occasionally here just depending on how things are going.  

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I agree, 2 masters is usually plenty to work with, though I could see an argument for 3 or 4 masters as well. I guess it depends on how big one's model case is lol.

I think if you're going into an event and ensuring you playing only 2 masters, you're probably setting yourself at a disadvantage if you don't include Colette, Ramos or Marcus as at least 1 of your 2 masters. They're all force multipliers, and are relatively flexible, while remaining very good at what they do. I'd posit that between the 3 of them, you incidentally also have the 3 best 2-master combinations Arcanists have to offer.

For my purposes, I work exclusively with Ramos, Kaeris and Mei so far, and I find them adequate for any combo of schemes or strategies that show up. I often focus more on points denial and countering than points acquisition. Were I to pick only 2 of them, it would be Kaeris and Mei, on familiarity alone. Neither of them are particularly rated, so I guess I like to play Malifaux on hard mode... haha

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Ramos and Ironsides work very well together.  Irons loves M&SU and is a bubble tank, she can do OK ranged and solid melee, loves Johan as a merc.  Ramos does the summoning like no other really (for number not variety), his spiders are good M&SU as is Joss so Irons likes them both as does Ramos, he can cover the spread out and scheme-y type combos Irons struggles with just as she can get up close and nasty where Ramos is a little hesitant to tread, also loves Johan as a merc.

Marcus is so flexible as a master (with his beater or support limited upgrades) and his crew selection he works nicely with everyone as the master who will do whatever to cover whoever.

Colette is an excellent master and her crews excel at scheme-y and bloodbath but not grinding so she works nicely with Ironsides, Sandeep, Marcus I think in particular.

Mei Feng and Kaeris are both solid fast master options, Mei is more up close and a crew killer and Kaeris more ranged and durable.  Both are good off sets to slower masters or sit back type play styles so Raspy and Ramos spring to mind.

Sandeep is pretty new and needs to be developed some, I've not seen him played let alone played him.  Seems like good ranged, some melee, some summon, quite quick.  I'd say he will run well as a I'll do whatever your other master can't at least adequately.  So a Marcus type flex master with ranged higher and the raw aggression lower in standard crew builds.

Rasputina is the ranged, stand back blaster and she'll nicely off set your crew which wants to get in close quickly and really mix it.  I'd say Kaeris adn Colette spring to mind as crews she will compliment in particular.

But really especially with RoF the spread and crew selection is amazingly flexible.  I'd say its easier to find and identify the masters which really don't run well together as they cannot main strength compensate for the others major weaknesses.  Even then I'd say you could trick out a certain builds to make any two Arcanist masters viable for 95% of opponent/game combos and have a punchers chance to eke out a win.  Speaks to the solid range, strength and flexibility of our faction.  Also says a lot for Wyrd's current game balance which is delicate and good.

I'd love to see opinions on master & master combos which people simply avoid as they do not work together, I couldn't think of any that I'd simply go no, not possible, fatally flawed.

Although certainly some 2 up combos are stronger, usually with the stronger general masters anyway, so as hydranixx pointed out Colettte, Ramos and Marcus, who happen to be fairly well recognised as among the top tier Arcanist masters anyway, so strength and flexibility individually naturally translates into the same contribution in partnership.

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Worth mentioning that nearly everyone loves Johan as a merc and Arcanist crews have often more synergy with him (or her as Johanna) than most.

But Ramos and Ironsides in particular might as well auto-pack him/her onto any bag before leaving home for a tournament, The model is simply that good for both of them. 

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