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Post your schemes, get a list thread


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Blatantly stolen from the Guild forum, but I thought it was a good idea, so I brought it over here.

I enjoy flipping schemes and strats before the play night to get some thinking time in, and a lot of other groups seem to do the same.

However, with Ten Thunders more than anyone, there's a lot of options to pick through upon finding what the mission is!  So, I thought I'd start this thread to work on ideas.

That's the basic idea of this thread - Someone posts their schemes and strats, people post potential lists.   Other people can post their own,  or edit lists taken.

If you take a list suggested by another poster, please tell us how it goes!  It's always nice to get feedback on our ideas.

My only request would be that people who come back with information quote the listmaker's list they used, so they can see when their lists are discussed or used.


Also, if you want to just create lists for fun, there's the Malifaux Puzzle Generator, from which I've created the following to start us off:



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Here's the game I'm playing tomorrow:

Random encounter generated with CrewFaux
Deployment: Standard Deployment (7)
Strategy: Guard the Stash (Crows)
  * Convict Labor (Always)
  * Hunting Party (Crows)
  * Exhaust Their Forces (Masks)
  * Mark For Death (9)
  * Public Demonstration (10)

Opponent has declared Gremlins (I suspect Ophelia) and I will be taking Asami. I don't think she's optimal, but I will take her regardless.

I think I have my list already, just curious to see if anyone can suggest anything that surprises me.

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If I had Asami I would go with the following:
Asami >> 4 cache
+Heavenly Design 2ss
+Grasping Strands 1ss
Malifaux Child 3ss
Ama no Zako 9ss
+Smoke Grenades 1ss
+Equality 1ss
Yamaziko 7ss
+ Smoke and Shadows 1ss
+ Blot Out the Sky 1ss
Lone Swordsman 8ss
+ Recalled Training 1ss
Thunder Archer 7ss
Thunder Archer 7ss

Place the Archers behind cover and within Yamaziko's Brace just in case to pelt at the pesky pests with a rain of death. Fly over terrain to eat up tasty little Gremlins. Summon ugly Yokai and use Flicker to drop scheme markers and make attacks then sacrifice themselves afterwards so as not to give a point for Hunting Party, Mark for Death and Exhaust if possible. If they pile some markers for Demonstration next to a model of yours clear it out with Asami. Swordsman will chop up stuff as always and Bulletproof+3 could be golden here. The Child can copy your summoning (I think no models are named there?) with a high Mask. More importantly he fills yet another hole in Asami's, well, heart: She finally gets to have a Child.

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5 hours ago, Eclipse said:

If I had Asami I would go with the following:
Asami >> 4 cache
+Heavenly Design 2ss
+Grasping Strands 1ss
Malifaux Child 3ss
Ama no Zako 9ss
+Smoke Grenades 1ss
+Equality 1ss
Yamaziko 7ss
+ Smoke and Shadows 1ss
+ Blot Out the Sky 1ss
Lone Swordsman 8ss
+ Recalled Training 1ss
Thunder Archer 7ss
Thunder Archer 7ss

Place the Archers behind cover and within Yamaziko's Brace just in case to pelt at the pesky pests with a rain of death. Fly over terrain to eat up tasty little Gremlins. Summon ugly Yokai and use Flicker to drop scheme markers and make attacks then sacrifice themselves afterwards so as not to give a point for Hunting Party, Mark for Death and Exhaust if possible. If they pile some markers for Demonstration next to a model of yours clear it out with Asami. Swordsman will chop up stuff as always and Bulletproof+3 could be golden here. The Child can copy your summoning (I think no models are named there?) with a high Mask. More importantly he fills yet another hole in Asami's, well, heart: She finally gets to have a Child.

Interesting take - very different to what I had in mind. Public Demonstration doesn't require markers though, just to be near an enforcer+. Summoning requires a model to be named as part of the action, so can't be copied: I think that was FAQ'd.

I'll have to have a good look at your list a bit later...

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10 hours ago, Eclipse said:

If I had Asami I would go with the following:
Asami >> 4 cache
+Heavenly Design 2ss
+Grasping Strands 1ss
Malifaux Child 3ss
Ama no Zako 9ss
+Smoke Grenades 1ss
+Equality 1ss
Yamaziko 7ss
+ Smoke and Shadows 1ss
+ Blot Out the Sky 1ss
Lone Swordsman 8ss
+ Recalled Training 1ss
Thunder Archer 7ss
Thunder Archer 7ss

Place the Archers behind cover and within Yamaziko's Brace just in case to pelt at the pesky pests with a rain of death. Fly over terrain to eat up tasty little Gremlins. Summon ugly Yokai and use Flicker to drop scheme markers and make attacks then sacrifice themselves afterwards so as not to give a point for Hunting Party, Mark for Death and Exhaust if possible. If they pile some markers for Demonstration next to a model of yours clear it out with Asami. Swordsman will chop up stuff as always and Bulletproof+3 could be golden here. The Child can copy your summoning (I think no models are named there?) with a high Mask. More importantly he fills yet another hole in Asami's, well, heart: She finally gets to have a Child.

What's your thinking behind Smoke and Shadows on Yamaziko? Other than summoned Jorogumo, who don't need the movement tricks and I wouldn't really want to spend AP dropping smoke grenades, there is no one to make use of the upgrade.

What schemes would you look to score off?

My concern is Mark for Death - I can't see how to deny vp on this, without really careful flicker management, as M4D scores if the model sacrifices and... it's Gremlins... I'm unlikely to get activation control.

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1 minute ago, Skitt_Happens said:

What's your thinking behind Smoke and Shadows on Yamaziko? Other than summoned Jorogumo, who don't need the movement tricks and I wouldn't really want to spend AP dropping smoke grenades, there is no one to make use of the upgrade.

What schemes would you look to score off?

My concern is Mark for Death - I can't see how to deny vp on this, without really careful flicker management, as M4D scores if the model sacrifices and... it's Gremlins... I'm unlikely to get activation control.

Smoke and Shadows is precisely because of the Jorogumo. They will probably come late enough that you have some markers for extra Flicker - so this means one of them should have a chance to teleport and wreck havoc... I haven't played Asami so I have no idea how often the chance to do this would come - but if it did it would be a game-changer.
I'm looking specifically at Hunting Party and Mark for Death myself - what your opponent is likely to take themselves if they play Ophelia. I didn't realize that Mark For Death would score when the model flickers out of existence, so it's a huge DERP on my part.
You might be better off disregarding my suggestions, lately I've been making bad choices in crew building and gameplay and you should probably take my ideas with a few grains of salt.

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13 hours ago, Skitt_Happens said:

Here's the game I'm playing tomorrow:

Random encounter generated with CrewFaux
Deployment: Standard Deployment (7)
Strategy: Guard the Stash (Crows)
  * Convict Labor (Always)
  * Hunting Party (Crows)
  * Exhaust Their Forces (Masks)
  * Mark For Death (9)
  * Public Demonstration (10)

Opponent has declared Gremlins (I suspect Ophelia) and I will be taking Asami. I don't think she's optimal, but I will take her regardless.

I think I have my list already, just curious to see if anyone can suggest anything that surprises me.

Seems like a tough pool to bring Asami to in my experience of her. I'd expect the opponent to pick Mark for Death and Hunting Party after they saw your Master so would try and play to that.

I'd pick Hunting Party first off. The second choice would be between Public Demonstration, Convict Labour and Mark for Death. I'd expect the opponent to bring a fairly heavy enforcer/hench crew. If that's the case Public Demonstration could be a good pick, though you're risking giving up points to Hunting Party by doing so, so I'd concentrate on durable minions, Jurogumo, Serpent, Illuminated. Normally Convict Labour is pretty good for Asami, because Heavenly Design, however it can be easy to deny even with a relatively small crew, especially because the action will all be taking place on the centreline, so if there are too many models with too much reckless I'd forgo this, but if their crew is small a few flickering Tengu hurled to the extreme edges of the board could give a tough choice between Guarding the Stash and denying your Convict Labour. If they field a big crew they are basically giving you Hunting Party and then I might pick Mark for Death over the other two as it should be easy to set up, the downside being you'll have to weather the storm of damage from the rest of the crew over 5 turns (using AP up in interacts).

For my crew I'd concentrate on Asami as more of a Support Master only summoning in at key points or to bring in the Jorogumo when you have the cards and know you can give them plenty of Flicker. Models I'd be thinking about,

Sensei Yu - Can push models away from the Stash Markers, can push your own models out of engagement to remove Exhaust/Mark for Death or into range for Public Demonstration. Can buff your Jorogumo etc. Can get points from Hunting Party and with a (0) place from Asami will be plenty mobile and easy to disengage. Can move around Corpse and Scrap Markers to help buff your summon Flicker.

Sidir - Can score off Hunting Party. With By Your Side can protect minions from Hunting Party. Durable and can hand out slow to an elite crew.

Jorogumo, Serpent,  Illuminated - Big bad ass minions that can move/charge reasonably fast for Public Demonstration as well as making it more difficult for the opponent to score off Hunting Party. 

Yokai - Can move really fast for Public Demonstration. Also has the ability to flicker itself to death in a tight spot if necessary. Vulnerable obviously.

Ohaguro - Not using up all your big cards for summoning makes her more viable. Brilliant for Hunting Party if the opponent decides to deploy one Gremlin in the corner, her ability to ignore LoS and bounce charge from one model to another means she can pull off a surprise charge across a large section of the board. Add in her ability to jump to summons and Yu she becomes even more mobile. 

Amanjaku - The toss up between Hunting Party and the -Sh Aura might actually swing in Amanjaku's favour. You'll need at least 2 models to survive until the end of the game to score.

Low River Monk - I might consider one back field keeping Asami's wounds up, Gremlins damage output is huge, though they become an obvious target for VP so you'd want to keep them safe (Jug Rocket, Reckless, not likely) or use them as a lure

So my crew might look like;

Asami - 5SS Pool, Heavenly Design, Equality

Amanjaku - 3

Sensei Yu - Wandering River - 11

Ohagaru - Recalled Training - 9

Jorogumo - 9

Illuminated - 7

Yokai - 5

Pick Public Demonstration and Hunting Party. If you have the opportunity to set up a juicy Jorogumo summon with plenty of Corpse do so.

First turn inch up in the Sh bubble about 6" short of the Centre of the board. Load your hand to weather turn 2.

Turn 2 put up bubble and perhaps throw out a couple of Tengu in the backfield for activation control and scheme markers for Asami to heal off later. Wait out as long as possible then make a rush for Public Demonstration and Guard the Stash points.

Turn 3 pull back to the stash with most models but throw out Ohagaru for Hunting Party VP.

Turn 4 everything turns to custard, admit defeat and complain about how Gremlins are broken. Admit you got your tactics from some random on the forums who didn't know what they were talking about, shake hands, leave swearing under your breath.


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8 hours ago, Definitechoice said:

Glad to see we have a thread like this now! 

For my first game of the TFL, I have the following. Opponent declared Guild. 

Corner Deployment, Guard the Stash.
Game 1:Convict Labor, Take Prisoner, Leave Your Mark, Catch and Release, Public Demonstration.

Corner Deployment, Guard the Stash vs Guild with those schemes makes me want a resilient but fast crew with plenty of interacts and pushes, so Shenlong would be my first pick. Add in either Emissary for cards and death (extra cards with Swordsman and Ohagaru are a game changer) or Yu to double down on Shenlong, one Low River is a must, Swordsman to take care of annoyances (edit:Actually Ohagaru might be better in this case, Swordsman has his triggers and Bulletpoof but Ohagaru could make a quick dash to tie-up/take-down Austringers/Sonnia/Perdita), Brothers to be generally tricksy with their potential Df7 and place. If I was to pick Leave your Mark then a Wandering River, though he'd have to cross a large distance into a smaller scoring field and avoid gunfire as he does. I'd pick schemes once I'd seen their crew as you should be able to achieve any of them with this crew as your base.

Guard the Stash vs Guild makes me think of a Mei Feng summoning crew, Catch and Release and Take Prisoner also make me lean that way. The one thing that makes me question this approach is Corner Deployment, Mei's crew is slow compared to other Thunders.

Lynch would be a good pick, 2 depleted for the Stash Markers and Illuminated. But his crew may melt a bit getting out of the corner vs Guild.

I'd imagine Yan Lo could be solid too, but I've only had about 5 games with him so I'd likely loose vs a good player.

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