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Campaign Idea - Achievements List


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With Divergent Paths coming up, I'm looking at organising a campaign game to tie in with the event. Was thinking of how to make it more fast paced and fun for the players, while giving those who join in late or play less often a way to keep up with the Scrip earned. Came up with the idea of an achievements list, something like what a rapid growth league would have, except that it awards Scrip. What do you guys think? Here's some ideas I floated up, all are one time achievements only, awarding 2 Scrip.

Achievements for players joining mid-campaign:

Late to the party - Play against opponent with at least 2 games more than you
Underdog - Play against an opponent with an Arsenal difference of 10+

Achievements for exploring campaign elements:

Tail between the legs - Make a strategic withdrawal 
Crippled for life - sustain an injury
Just snoozing - model avoids 'Finished off' without cheating
Patched-up soldiers - fielding two or more injured units in a game
Social mobility - purchase a change of station upgrade
Bounty hunter - purchase a bounty
Bag o Tools - attach 2 or more equipment upgrades to a single model
Natural Talent - attach 2 or more skill upgrades to a single model
Close shave - avoid an injury upgrade during the Determine Injuries phase
Rising Power - Hire a master
Unleashed Energies - Manifest an Avatar

Have some other achievements in my head that are not campaign specific, but that might be too many to keep track of. Any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated. 


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Sounds like a fun idea. If you want the campaign to advance more rapidly, these achievements should speed it up nicely.

Rewarding withdrawal seems kind of strange to me but I guess it's a way to reward people who have gotten stomped? 

If I added achievements I would add a few that actually happen during the game. If you make that divide clear it will be easier for your players to see what they need to keep track of. Also dividing the aftermath/between games ones to make it clearer in which order they should check for them lessens the burden.

You could do achievements for hiring thematic crews (from the same box and/or sharing keywords) etc. to incentivize players to go in a certain direction. This will of course hit kind of uneven since some themes are a lot stronger.

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