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Been eyeing Kirai for a while. I like the looks and fluff of her alot, and am thinking of getting her. 

I'm currently playing Gremlins (Wong) and Arcanists (Ramos, Colette), but I want to dip my toes in the Resser faction.

Could I get a good Kirai-crew going at around £100-120? I understand she's a resser and I'd want "it all" to handle each situation. But Could I get away with just getting some of the stuff?

Where do I start? What are some good models to start with?
This lands at around £100. Could I cut something out and do I miss something essential? Crooligans/Necropunks? Drowned? Night Terrors?

Kirai box
Datsue Ba & Seishen
The Hanged

Appreciate some input!


I agree that Toshiro isn't really necessary with her.  Adversary can get you the positive twist and that's the main thing you're getting from him.  If cost is an issue, I would buy Yin before Toshiro all day.  Yin is a really solid model that's almost always going to pull her weight.

I think Drowned are good, especially if you need scheme markers and can leverage Finish the Job.  But, they aren't really necessary.  Hanged, Gaki, and Onryo are really the only things that are essential.  



Toshiro isn't needed, and I would say that Yin is not that important on Kirai. Izamu is a better element.

I would buy a box of Night Terrors (highly advised) and maybe some drowned (as stated above, very useful but not necessary), this should put you in a good spot.
Obviously there are many other things that can be useful (Jakuuna for example) but as 'core' group you are good to go.

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