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12 Year old son?


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It has been a couple years since I played Malifaux more than a game here and there. My youngest (just turned 12 in July) has been wanting to get involved in minis gaming with Dad and I am not sure if Malifaux or WM/Hordes would be better. I am leaning towards Malifaux because we both like the setting and miniatures, plus the smaller model count will make it easier to get going. Any thoughts or suggestions. I am considering picking up the 2 player starter this week because I believe it has a number of intro scenarios that help teach the game.

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I would take the system with the models he likes most. In the end wargaming is playing with plastic dolls/soldiers. So the look IMO is the part the provides the most an longest lasting interest.

And with 12 years, you can be sure his interests will change within two years. If not - be happy and coinsider it a huge bonus.

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 The 2-player Starter is a great intro to the system and all those models are Mercenaries so they could be used with any factions you want in the future. Once you play through the starter you'll be in a good place to pick starting crews.

schemes and stones.wordpress.com has some good articles on building good lists on a budget.

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