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Demo-ing suggestions


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This night or -more probably- tomorrow's I'm going do show the game to a friend. I plan to use the crews from starter box, as my 2nd full crew isn't table ready atm.
Since the friend I'll show the game to has quite someexperience with miniature games, I think it would be ok to show him full game, with s&s and everything, but I'm concerned the crews from starter box aren't sufficient to face a full game. So I'm thinking to add at least one model each (something straightforward like deperate mercs or convict gunslingers, maybe both?). Also, for this demo game I could show him s&s generation, but afterward go for s&s chosen with this game in mind, so s&s that are: 1) doable with the crews used, and 2) not too complicated for a player trying the game 1st time. 
Any suggestion would be appreciated, both in picking s&s and in adding a model that doesn't have synergies with a crew but not with the other.

Thanks.  :)

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For demos it is best to just focus on the core mechanics. I generally forgo Strategies and Schemes, I also usually limit the game to an 18" x 18" tile to make sure the action is quick and heated. The demo crews are good in that they are really straight forward. The big things you really want to cover are cheating, the jokers, soul stones, and last would be the margin of success influencing the damage flips. I spend the most time emphasizing this part as it is the most difficult to grasp. Talking thru each duel helps a lot. Dont be afraid to either stack the deck or "deck dive" to pull the jokers during a duel (I like to have a player pull the Red Joker on an attack and then follow it up with the Black Joker).

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Thanks for replies! I usually leave out s&s while teaching game to someone new, but this friend is quite used to minis especially Warmahordes, so I think he's also used to a gameplay focused on controlling the board, to some extent. Anyway, I'll leave s&s out as suggested. If after a couple of turns I see he's already grasped the core mechanics, I'll offer to start over with s&s. Thanks again for advice!

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