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Will O' Wisp


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32 minutes ago, McPigish said:

I'm new to zoraida so can I ask if the voodoo doll has a condition on it before it hems a target does the target gain the condition? and can the wisp target the doll with its you can't charge you must walk towards me condition to then give it the hem target too? 

The Doll only confers the Conditions that it gets after it has Hemmed, not existing ones. The second question is a bit more complicated (though the answer to the question iself is simple: yes, the Hemmed target would get the Condition as well) - there's a thread about it in the rules forum and it isn't quite clear who the Hemmed model should be walking towards (if anyone). Personally I would go with the interpretation that the Hemmed model would need to talk walk towards the Wisp that gave the Condition to the Doll but it is indeed open to interpretation.

Edited by Math Mathonwy
No, the model doesn't need to talk...
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31 minutes ago, McPigish said:

I'm new to zoraida so can I ask if the voodoo doll has a condition on it before it hems a target does the target gain the condition?

An additional bonus though (hence my burning fetish) is that the Hemmed model gets the end of turn burning damage from giving the Hemmed Voodoo burning, then the Voodoo takes burning damage, so then the Hemmed model takes a second bunch of burning damage. Or if in the meantime you've hemmed something else the second model takes the additional damage instead

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, MalifauxVE said:

Thank you @Math Mathonwy

No problem - it isn't very obvious. But here is the actual rules quote:

"Some models have two Faction symbols shown on the associated stat cards. These models count as both Factions for the purposes of hiring; however, they may only have Upgrades from the announced Faction." Page 91 of the small book.

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