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Howling Slums: Any word what happened there?


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South of Riverside is an area called the Howling Slums. It's clearly marked on every map of the city, much like other areas like Kythera and the Observatory that end up featuring big-time in the fiction. The only references to the Howling Slums I've been able to find is that they used to wail with this loud yowling screech from deep underground and that recently an inexplicably it just stopped--unnerving folks as much by the fact that it just went away as it ever did when it was happening.

So has anything been said about this? Any fiction about it? Anyother references to it? An opportunity has come up in our game to tie into it and so I'm trying to research everything I can about it. Thanks folks!

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So far there's a gang of bandits that used it as a hideout, but that's about it. I was just curious because other places like the Observatory ended up being huge set pieces in one of the huge epic storylines that I would have totally missed out on if I hadn't researched the heck out of everything.

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There are lots of dangling plot threads and locations for either Wyrd to revisit in the future, or for Fatemasters to decide what is up. Theres not a canon police, so feel free to come up with an idea that suits your game. Never be afraid to deviate from whats written if it means a more enjoyable experience for you and your players :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Cinnamon Bear. It feels like they've purposely left a ton of hanging threads, to that you can use them however you want. Detailing every last piece of a game world becomes restricting for play and creativity. 

However, I happen to know the real story is that there is a large underground vault that is being used by the spirit of a mad musician. He was building a choir of zombies to compose a song that would wake all of the dead who heard it, and drive them into a frenzy. The sounds of singing undead may have sounded like howls, shrieks, and gibbering to the uninitiated, but their tones and tempos, carried and amplified by the labyrinth of sewer tunnels, was musical necromancy. However, just as he was finishing the tune, his choir turned on itself and was obliterated. Now he has to begin the laborious task of stalking talented singers, teaching them his masterpiece, and then killing and raising them again so that he can have his opening night performance. 
Since he is a spirit, he has a hard time interacting with the physical world. However he is very good at using the power of his voice to not only attack (he can use an elemental blast with the Sonic Elemental Immuto*) but it also very skilled at different forms of persuasion. He has currently driven a music critic for the Malifaux Record quite mad, and is convincing him to stalk, abduct, and eventually kill the talent he requires.

* Elelmental Immuto: Sonic (TN +1) any character that suffer damage from the Magia also gains the DAZED condition for 1 turn. This immuto may be taken multiple times, increasing the duration of the condition by one for each time. 

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