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a little case help

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Morning everyone, I now have about 40 models and its high time I got a case for them. Ive heard very good things about KR multicase, so I'm planning to order from there. I was thinking of getting Small Aluminium case (half width) it will hold all of the models I have and even when I get more then it can hold that's about the most I'll need anyway.

Does anyone have any opinions/reviews of this case? or better selections? it would cost about $90 and I don't want to have buyers remorse

thank you all for the help.

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That's a nice looking bag, I really like the side for cards and markers etc, roughly how many models can it hold? also I worry a little about the foam catching parts of my models and either falling apart or damaging them. I should have said in my first post im an arcanist player so a bunch of my models have extra legs or weird bases *looks at howard*

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There are a couple pictures of the trays included in the standard load out that you can check out.  There is one deep tray with pluck foam that I keep my big guys in.  Howard, Mech Rider, Ice Golem, Rail golem, willie etc are all in that tray with room to spare.  For the smaller models with odd shapes (Kaeris for example) I cut a barrier between two slots on one of the smaller trays to hold her comfortably.  Looking at it quickly I could easily fit 70+ models in here.

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I've been eyeing one of those for a while. Love their products. I've got a 1520XL I use to cart around a huge collection of Tyranids, and the small Infinity Beta bag. The Malifaux case Certainly holds enough. My biggest concern is Wyrd have been going with a 'go big or go home' approach with larger models. Lord Chompy Bits and the Nightmare Whiskey Golem barely fit in the 2.5" tray laying down, so I'm just waiting for the Emmisaries to see their dimensions. If they will fit, I'll likely pull the trigger and get one of the cases.

Though I'd probably get a custom setup, drop the tray with 32 slots since they're 25mm wide (doesn't play nice with 30mm wide Malifaux bases) and get 2 of the other tray with 29 larger spots.

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For some large GW models I've glued on pieces of plucked foam around the edges to make an existing tray a little deeper. If you need to add a lot of depth you could also remove the bottom of another pluck tray as they are only glued around the edges. Or just turn it over I guess, but you'll lose a little of the total depth from the double bottoms.

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I'm not a fan of DIY solutions in foam trays which is why I've decided to just wait and see how the Emmisarys turn out, which should be the biggest models we see. If not there's a local manufacturer who makes these who does custom cut stuff as my backup option.

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It's tough deciding a way to transport your models, I just listened to an episode of Faux-hio and they talked about transport for models one of the hosts like baking sheets with magnets the guest they had was using old hero clicks packages and did not like the malifaux battle foam...gggrrrr so many thing to consider

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