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Newbie question on triggers



Most of the rules are pretty straightforward, but there's one thing I'm having trouble wrapping my head around. Here's my example: Lilith's "Wicked Vines" attack action is Ca 6 with a Mask, and the TN is 12, also with a Mask. Does that mean she needs to flip or add a Mask wth a soulstone for the attack to work? 

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Her stat is Ca6:mask, meaning that she adds 6 and a mask to the value of the card she flipped, so she already has the mask to hit the TN of a 12:mask.

The way I like to think about it is to split the numbers and suits up. Add the numbers together and then add all the suits together, so for example if you flipped a 9:tome, you would have 9 + 6 = 15 so you meet the required 12, and for suits, you have one :mask and one :tome, so you meet the requirement of a :mask.

If the TN was 12:mask:mask, she would have one mask from her stat, and then would need one more mask from either the flipped card or a soulstone for the effect to go off.


You might be wondering why there is even a suit in the TN if she has it built in, and the answer is that there are several abilities in the game that can remove printed suits from actions, for example Hannah has the Ability "Counterspell: Enemy Ca actions that target this model lose all printed suits in the Ca for the duration of the action" This means that if Lilith wanted to use Wicked Vines on Hannah, she would only have Ca6, meaning that she would need to flip or stone for a mask to achieve the TN.

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Okay, the queries continue, and I apologize if I seem slow on the uptake, but what about something like Rasputin's "Sub Zero" ability, where it's Df with a Tome...how does this work? And if there's a page in the rules where all this is explained, let me know and I can leave everyone alone about it.

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Triggers are explained on page 21 and 29, then mentioned further in the duel sections, page 30 and 32.

Specifically for Rasputina, is she has at least one :tome in her duel total when performing a Df duel she can declare Sub Zero. This can either be from flipping a :tome card, cheating one, or using a soulstone before flipping to add a :tome to the duel. Sub Zero has further restrictions (suffering damage from a Ml attack) for it to actually do something, but that doesn't matter when you declare it.

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