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Is Yan Lo box only available with 2E rules?


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Sorry if this is common knowledge for most...

I started up with Malifuax last year and since then have built up a decent size collection of 10 Thunder.  Recently i have been interested in getting Yan Lo, and found a box at a local gaming store but it has the old style box (from what i can figure it looks like the grey box from 1.5E).  I just want to know if i get this box will i have to buy a Second Wave deck in order to have get the 2E cards for the crew?

Thanks for any info.

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Some old boxes have new cards, they are marked with a sticker that says "Malifaux 2nd Edition" or some such. Unless it has that sticker you'll can get the Resurrectionists Wave 2 arsenal deck (for Ashigaru) and the TT Wave 2 arsenal deck (for the rest). Or get the TT deck and Ashigaru cards from the print on demand service.

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4 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

Wouldn't Wyrd send you the cards if you managed to find an old set with 1.5E cards?

They might, they certainly seem like the kind of cool cats to do such a thing.

But I wouldn't bother asking.  Almost all of my 10T stuff is 1.5e, and I have grown quite use to simply having books open while I am playing.  But I also come from gaming with 40K or such, where books are always the norm, as appose to Warmahordes or such where cards are the definitive answer to tracking information.

I just don't find cards strictly necessary to playing the game, helpful maybe, but not required.

Although if you don't have the book with Yan Lo in it, that could be much more of an issue :P

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Thanks for the replies.  I played some 40k in 4th Ed, but most of my miniature gaming was with Warmachine, and have gotten use to using the cards.  I hated proxying models in Warmachine and needing to flip back and forth between pages when i needed to look up model rules.

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