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New to the Breach


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Howdy, pards.

New player, doing some research and getting the last bit of money in to pick up the StarterKit, though I've looked in on the game for a few years now and never had the time.

I've watched enough vids to get a basic grasp and know this is the minis game for me - I really love what I've seen mechanically, and as I'm a great lover of the sort of setting the game is based in and the strong characterization of the various Masters and factions, it really does feel like an excellent match.


So,here's the obligatory set of ignorant new guy questions!

* I intend to start with the Starter box, and my likely frequent opponent -my nephew - wants to go with Dreamer and Chompy. Is he friendly enough for a minis-newb to pick upon? Nephew has plenty of boardgame and RTS experience.


* As for myself, I'm a touch divided! I've always had an eye on Seamus and Co. - both liking his lore and aesthetic and liking what I understand of his playstyle. Is my estimation that he's focused on being tough, tricksy, and laying down big shots of burst damage accurate? All of those things appeal to me.


I'm also looking heavily at Lilith and Pandora, and possibly Rasputina. I like casters and melee'ers, and the more "oh you bastard!" potential available, the better for my tastes.


* As a huge Johnny Cash fan, I absolutely want to get Sue. How well does he synergize with Seamus, Lilith, Pandora, and Rasputina, respectively? Yes I know, RUle of Cool at work but.. the mini looks awesome and the reference is too good for me to not pick him up.


* Outside Sue... in the quest to bring a Crew box up to 50 or so Soulstone.. what are the best options for expansion for Dreamer/Chompy and Seamus, Lil. Pan, and 'Tina?


* And here'sthe last one: I'm not exactly that dexterous, so the beautiful paintworkI see around the web is likely completely beyond me. I'd not gettoo much flak showing up at a tourney or con with a Crew sporting a simple,clean single-color paintjob, would I?


Thanks in advance!

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Welcome to Malifaux!


I'm not really into any of the factions you've mentioned so I'll leave those to the pros, although I will say that for an "Oh you bastard!" type master, all the ones you listed have me shaking my fist. Lilith and Rasputina particularly because they get to break some rules that I tend to base my strategies around, and they can each place some nasty terrain.


43 minutes ago, Wolfpact said:

* And here'sthe last one: I'm not exactly that dexterous, so the beautiful paintworkI see around the web is likely completely beyond me. I'd not gettoo much flak showing up at a tourney or con with a Crew sporting a simple,clean single-color paintjob, would I?

This question though, I can answer. According to Gaining Grounds 2016, which is the official tournament document, models must be painted, here's the relevant part


Part of a miniature game is the hobby aspect, and we aim to promote that in official Wyrd tournaments. Painted models are required for play, with the expectation that players are attempting to field a crew that they can be proud of. Players will have a wide range of individual skill, and there is, therefore, a considerable amount of leeway to this rule. There is no guideline or painting rubric, rather the player is simply expected to put in some effort. Bare or models with just primer are not allowed. [...] Note: This rule is not meant to exclude inexperienced painters from playing, it is simply an expectation that players are making an effort.

So to play in an official Wyrd tournament, you have to have a painted crew, but there aren't many of those, so it's normally down to the TO whether they want to allow unpainted models or not. I've been to five local tournaments and none of them have enforced any sort of painting requirement so far, although the next one is slated to do so, but not to worry because I'm abysmal at painting and the general rule of thumb I hear is three colours, although based on the organiser, you can get away with less.

In casual play I have never been called out or called someone out for not having painted models and unless you're showing off the game to its full potential I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it.

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The Dreamer can be kinda rough for a newcomer. He's a summoning Master whose box has a very low SS count meaning he's one of the more expensive Masters to start up (even if you play his non-summoning style). I'd stick to Nightmares. Teddy is a good beatstick. Widow Weaver is great for helping you win Willpower Attacks and the enemy losing Horror Duels. Stitched Together are just amazing. I find myself putting them in a lot of Neverborn Crews.

Lilith is great for beginners. Most of her crew are awesome for any Neverborn Crew (Terror Tots are some of the best Scheme Runners in the game). She, herself, is fun mixing both brute force, movement tricks, and terrain manipulation.

Pandora is the Willpower Master. She likes the Widow Weaver even more than the Dreamer. She's a little more complicated, but not too much.

Rasputina is a lot of fun. You can really lay on the damage. Plus, alot of her theme Crew throws Slow on the enemy. But she (and most of her theme Crew) is very slow, so you will really want to consider getting Snow Storm to help speed her crew up.

I haven't run Seamus in over a year, so I'll let someone else take him.

Edited by ABoyNamedSue
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