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What is your favorite recipe for skin tones?

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Hello all, 


Painting people is a big part of malifaux as almost everyone in it is humanoid in some fashion. I have a hard time coming up with a set of colors for painting skin tones that I like and was hoping to glean ideas off of you fine folks. So could you please tell me what your favorite Recipes for painting skin tones are?

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Depends entirely on the model. Even people of the same ethnicity have a range of skin colours so I personally don't think having a set recipe for everyone is a good idea. 

I have a couple of skin/flesh named paints that I supplement with various browns and off-white that I mix for skin, then use a standard base/shadow/highlight technique. I do admit to being rather lazy and painting the skin of models from the same box the same more often than not, but the next box will invariably get at least a little different formula.

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I try to keep my skin tones a bit varied between my models depending on what their job is (my Rail Workers have a good tan going, the Performers less so) but I use a mix of the P3 paints Bloodtracker Brown and Morrow White (though I'm also now trying ones that are a bit pinker for more variety of skin tones), with a wash of Citadel Seraphim Sepia.

Starting out in other games with way more models on the field I used to just do my models totally in white and then slap a layer of Seraphim Sepia on, but I'm finding more and more that adding variety on a model-by-model basis makes it all look so much better :) 

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