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Who pushes



I’m a bid confused on who is allowed to perform the push.

Tuco’s (0) ability Disillusion says ‘Push target enemy model up to its Wk in any direction’.

When I control Tuco, as far as I understand it, I’m allowed to decide where and how far to ‘push’ the enemy model.

What throws me off is the ‘The Bloody Beauty’ trigger on Nekima which says ‘… or be pushed up to 5 inches in a direction of this model’s choice’.

I’m assuming that in this case ‘this model’ refers to Nekima so Nekima’s controller can ‘push’ the enemy model. But why does it state 'this model's choice' specifically in the trigger text since my understanding is that Nekima’s controller would already do that anyway.

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I'm guessing it's because someone pointed out some ambiguity during the beta and they wanted to proof against that. When you push something it's more obvious that you control the push than when something is just being pushed perhaps. Sometimes actions seem too wordy and sometimes they're not wordy enough to be clear to everyone ;) 

(Wordy... I sound like I don't know what. Maybe elaborate is better?)

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