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Moving to Guild - Intrest in Dita


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Hey guys,
I'm moving into guild for 2016 mainly due to my love of Hoffman.  I'm looking at using Perdita as my second master to go with Hoffman.  I've been playing around with her and I've kinda settled on this list as what seems to work the best

50ss Crew

Perdita Ortega -- 7ss Pool (5 left over 2 cache)
 +Aura Ancestral - 1ss
 +Trick Shooting - 2ss

Brutal Effigy - 4ss

Francisco Ortega - 8ss
 +Wade In - 1ss

Guild Austringer - 6ss

Guild Austringer - 6ss

Papa Loco - 7ss

Pistolero De Latigo - 5ss

Pistolero De Latigo - 5ss

I've found I can generally spend turns one and two killing and really whittling down the opposing force and then spend the last three turns really spitting out markers if needed.  My one concern is activations.  I've got 8 here but generally Papa dies on turn 3 so I'm really running 7 after that. 

Thoughts, comments?

Thanks a ton guys


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There is not much you can do wrong with Perdita.

Depending on the strategies you can drop any one of these models for anything else. I could see dropping an austringer for a Death Marshal so Papa stays alive longer. Even throwing in Nino to deny any scheme that requires an interact would do you a lot of good. You have so much family on the board I'm surprised he is not on your list.

Think about playing around with Diestro on Francisco, especially if you are pairing him with Perdita. Because Diestro gives all Sh attacks against models engaged with him :+fate and Perdita's Pistol is a Sh:ranged and Sh:melee. Also you don't have to randomize for him if your family, which means about half your list can shoot into his engagements(More so if they are within Austringer Range).

I find two austringers to not be fun to play against, but that is a personal choice on my part and has nothing to do with the strength of the list.

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Diestro is so expensive and I tend to use Fransico as more a bodyguard keeping him close to dita as she kills and knocking models off that charge her.  This makes Wade in very crucial and with diestro he is so expensive. 
I haven't had much luck with Nino, he denies marker dropping but never seems to do anything else.  Not that its bad just not sure if its worth the two models I would need to drop to add him. 
As for the death marshal yea that is the next thing I want to try a swap of austringer for Marshal and play some Papa in the Box

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I'd probably dip into the cache a bit.  7 seems excessive and you can use it to upgrade a Pistolero or take the Nephilim or something.  I'd also consider having a Watcher on hand.  Being able to ignore Cover AND Armor is sometimes quite relevant and at worst he's a sweet little scheme runner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/2/2016 at 10:25 AM, jphealy said:

I haven't had much luck with Nino, he denies marker dropping but never seems to do anything else.  Not that its bad just not sure if its worth the two models I would need to drop to add him.

Not just scheme markers, but also Interacts so he is denying Marked for Death and Exhaust. He is only a Sh 5 compared to say an austringer, but he can really mess with an opponent if played in the right scheme pool.

Also his built in :ram and :+fate to his attack is strong. Effectively his min damage will either be 2 normally or 3 with the :ram on flip.

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