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Build your crew


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Thought for a bit of fun and to see how people build crews compared to others. Ill give you an opponent's faction, scheme and strat and you guys do a 50ss crew with a little bit about why you took certain things.

So without further ado, your opponent is playing neverborn. The schemes and strats are:

Squatter's Rights

A line in the sand



Protect Territoy

Make them Suffer


Whats your 50ss crew and your likely 2 schemes. And why!

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The exact crew would vary a little based on terrain but something like this is probably what I'm thinkin

  • Som'er Teeth Jones w/ Liquid Bravery
  • 1x Skeeter
  • Francois LaCroix w/ Stilts + Dirty Cheater
  • Burt Jebsen w/ Dirty Cheater
  • Slop Hauler
  • 2x Moon Shinobi
  • 2x Bayou Gremlin
  • Lightning Bug
  • 6 stone cache

My two schemes are Protect Territory (revealed of course) and Make Them Suffer if they have easily killable minions, Assassinate if not. It will probably be Make them Suffer.

I picked Som'er for two reasons. Firstly because I'm most comfortable with him and he is my go-to killy master (for Make them Suffer) but also because after a nasty experience or two vs Neverborn, I love that Liquid Bravery. Som'er is the best at carrying it because he can delegate the (0) action to his Skeeters, which is so useful to hand out that +2Wp for the many Wp attacks and terrifyings that Neverborn have. I only took one Skeeter because of the Wp targeting potential. I don't want to give my opponent super easy points for Make them Suffer, so I'm only going to use the one to fly around and hand out Wp boosts instead of being farty engagement bugs. The savings on that extra skeeter let me upgrade a bayou gremlin to a lightning bug which is good.

For Squatter's Rights I tend to go for the quick engagement, preventing my opponent from interacting to get the markers. Moon Shinobis have a 2" engagement range, as does Francois so they're good picks here. The Lightning Bug can also do that in a pinch, but she's here in case of Incorporeal mostly, if there isn't any then she can just run up and be another 2" engagement range. Burt is a fearsome melee presence and can try to get people engaged with Crackerjack Timing, so he gets a spot.

I'd probably split the melee guys up so Burt and Francois are separate with a Moon Shinobi buddy each, although if Lightning Bug is going for melee, she would go with Francois and send the second Moon Shinobi over to Burt.

The two bayou gremlins are more to grab edge squat markers if I need to and provide ranged support with focused shots (I try not to use unfocused shots with them anymore), which are surprisingly deadly and can help catch anyone who's decided not to join the big engagement around my chosen couple of squat markers. Slop Hauler because I'm playing Gremlins.

In terms of the scheme pool, there are barely any choices here - I generall find ALitS too hard to pull off, especially with a clumpy engagement tactic like mine here, so that's out of the question, as is Outflank because I think it's very very difficult. Protect Territory on the other hand is one of the easiest schemes to achieve for Gremlins (alongside Distract and Cursed Object) so that's an auto-take (the two Bayou Gremlins can probably handle that). Then I put Francois in and took Som'er so that I'd have a strong Make them Suffer crew and that would be my first choice, although Assassinate is a backup if it was a poor choice.


So yeah that's probably my crew. I'm still debating over whether to keep the extra 2 stones for my cache or just bite the bullet and grab a second Skeeter. I'm not sure.

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  • 3 months later...

50ss Crew

Somer Teeth Jones -- 6ss
 +Liquid Bravery - 1ss
 +Family Tree - 2ss

Skeeter x 2 - 4ss

Bayou Gremlin - 3ss

Bayou Gremlin - 3ss

Bayou Gremlin - 3ss

Francois LaCroix - 7ss
 +Stilts - 1ss
 +Dirty Cheater - 1ss

Lenny - 9ss
 +I'll Love It And Pet It... - 1ss

Pigapult - 8ss

Slop Hauler - 5ss

I don't actually have any plans for this, I'd just like to play it. With the Pigapult it should be easy to throw Bayou Gremlins around in order to score outflank, and there should be a lot of Bayou Gremlins thanks to Somer.

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On 13 December 2015 at 1:05 PM, Dogmantra said:

Som'er is the best at carrying it because he can delegate the (0) action to his Skeeters, which is so useful to hand out that +2Wp for the many Wp attacks and terrifyings that Neverborn have.

This plan is so cunning that you can stick a tail to it and call it a weasel!

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