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Starting Levi?


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After a lot of umm-ing and ah-ing, I've decided to go with the master I like the look of best to start. As bad an idea it may be to start him, what should I grab along with Levi's box for a solid start?

I'm fine with focusing on iron or bone.

Edit: I know Ashes and Dust are amazing with him, but I'd rather wait for them to release the plastic version.

Edited by Zaristus
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I'm only going to hit some highlights. Almost everything in faction is good. Outcasts have a ton of very solid models.

In faction:

  • Ashes & Dust...a thousand times Ashes & Dust. A&D is the single most useful model in Levi's thematic crew. Scheme runner. Beater. Teleport bait. Game winner when Reconnoiter and/or Power Ritual are on the board. Wait for the plastic, but get it as soon as you can.
  • A box of Abominations - I routinely get 6 out on the board by turn 4 just through Desolate Soul. Great speed bumps with abilities that force your opponents to spend AP dealing with them.
  • Lazarus - Has good synergy with Rusty's Burn Out actions and copying Abominations card draw actions.
  • Hannah - Strong henchmen for any Outcast crew. Can synergize by copying certain actions from the rest of the crew. Has an upgrade that will let her bury models, which is an alternative way to get Levi off the board to heal if you use his teleport 0 action instead of summoning a Hollow Waif.
  • The Von Schill box has a Freikorps Librarian and Freikorps Trapper in it. These are two of the most ubiquitous models in all of Outcasts. They are useful in any crew, including Levi's, where they are both strong anchors. The Trapper can also function as a scheme runner for you if you don't have A&D.
  • Hodgepodge Effigy - Levi gets a soulstone every time he kills something. No brainer here.
  • Vanessa - Her construct command action sysnergizes nicely with Levi's thematic crew.
  • Desolation Engine - Only because you might summon him once and a while. He is more of threat to force your opponent to kill Abominations

Pariah of Iron

  • Mechanical Rider - Great scheme runner. Can summon 4 point Arcanist constructs. I generally use it to summon Metal Gamin (still great post-cuddle IMO) or steampunk arachnids. You see Mech Rider in a LOT of PoI lists.
  • Soulstone Miner - A personal favorite. Wins Reconnoiter and Power Ritual for you on turn 5. If you bring it out early gives you soulstone. Costs enough to be an anchor if you need it to be.
  • The Valedictorian - Fills a similar role as A&D. Scheme runner, beater, has terrifying which is in short supply in faction.
  • Necro-punks - great scheme runners if you don't have A&D, Mech Rider, or a Trapper on the board.

Can't really comment on Pariah of Bone as I have to yet to really play around with it. Rotten Belles are the first thing that come to mind though.

Edited by KrazyIvan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Levi has better options for 12-13 points in my opinion. Ashes & Dust for one, but Mech Rider is right up there as well (and maybe even Aionus now). Also, if you start a match with two abominations summoning a Desolation Engine is no too difficult to pull off, and cheaper besides (especially if you consider the Abominations left by the Desolation Engine should it die). Also, Killjoy's charge mechanic can be trouble for Levi. One badly positioned Hollow Waif could really ruin Levi's day. If you really like Killjoy then get yourself Tara.

That said, Levi can happily work with anyone since the old man is going to do basically the same thing so matter what crew he has with him.


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