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Off topic closure - a very respectful final inquiry

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First of all, apologies to mods - if this is not kosher, do as you see fit.

Now, I wish to stress that I'm not demanding the OTT to be re-opened. I'm not even asking for it, really. And I'm not making any other sorts of demands, either, nor deploying any sorts of ultimatums. I'm not going to stop supporting Wyrd or anything silly like that. This just as a disclaimer.

And I don't feel that I'm owed an explanation. This is a private board and Nathan's house, Nathan's rules. He certainly doesn't need to explain his motives to me.

I really respect Nathan. He has obviously been very successful and made Malifaux awesome. But he has also retained his presence on the forums and he has a very hands-on style that I certainly respect. I doubt that many big-wigs from other bigger companies (the small-time boutiques are naturally different) stop by to say hello to a random new forum poster or comment on someone's awesome paintjob. I think that that is really great.

And finally, the crux of this post. I would very much appreciate, even in incomplete form, the reasons that lead to the closure of the OT thread. In part because it will inform me and others on what sorts of off topic threads are ok to post (there's a somewhat random new Baldur's Gate thread for example) but also in part just because not understanding the reasoning leaves me befuddled.

So yeah, selfish reasons and I don't think that I'm owed an explanation. I also won't be bringing this up further ever. And if a reasoning is given, I will not debate it or even comment on it. And I don't expect the thread to be re-opened.

OK, with that off my chest, I will now head towards my painting station to put some colour on some Gremlin Piglets. Really like the sculpts.

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First, I appreciate the diplomacy displayed in your post. Because we had one thread locked on this topic and we're not interested in continuing to lock threads on the same topic for the same reasons, I'm locking this post as well. Please, anyone reading, do not re-open this topic: it may result in moderator action.

Second, I will not be speaking to Nathan's reasons for closing OTP, but I will reply to your point about what threads are okay. Again, I reiterate, the below is not addressing OTP, but rather focusing on the question of "off topic" posts.

Individuals are welcome to discuss a variety of things on this forum (essentially anything that isn't offensive, though it remains Wyrd and the moderator's discreation), but we ask that any posts start with a specific topic and stick to that topic. Generally, random chatter posts are more likely to get shut down (i.e. discussing the weather or the sandwich you ate last night -- take that to chat, e-mail, PM, Facebook, etc).

For example, you may make a post about a game you like, a really cool video you came across, or the best way to make a stir fry. As long as posting stays on that topic, we're good.

I would like to point out that threads that are not in this vein will not see moderation action taken against the user. Almost every time a thread is shut down, no action is taken against anyone in that thread. Sometimes, this style of moderation (post-moderation as opposed to user-moderation) is the way we deal with things without assigning any blame.

If an individual user continues to make threads that are, for whatever reason, an issue, they will be asked to stop by a moderator in a PM. It is only if they continue after that point that actual moderation action will be taken.

I hope that helps clear it up for you and others. We want this to be an open and welcoming place. Any time we take any action, it is likely that at least a few will see it as less so, and that's unfortunate. That said, sometimes there are still decisions that need to be made and actions that need to be taken. I hope that our users will understand that sometimes these will be public and sometimes they will be private, and that we as a company are trying to do the best for our community and truly care about them.

Anyway, I'm off to make more games.

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