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Battle Faux Salvation 50 ss GG tournament October 10-11 Nyak NY


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The Battle for Salvation gaming club will be hosting Battle Faux Salvation a 50 ss gaining grounds tournament.  We have space for 32 players and will be playing 5 rounds.  

Forrest registration and information please see http://www.battleforsalvation.com

the the strategies and schemes are still from last year.  The actual strategies and schemes are below

Round 1:

Strategy: Guard the Stash

Deployment: Standard

Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Break Through, Assassinate, Entourage, Frame for Murder


Round 2:

Strategy: Interference

Deployment: Flank

Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Bodyguard, Distract, Power ritual, Plant Explosives


Round 3:

Strategy: Extraction

Deployment: Close

Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Assassinate, Vendetta, Spring the Trap


Round 4:

Strategy: Stake a Claim

Deployment: Standard

Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Distract, Body Guard, Plant Evidence, Murder Protégé



Round 5:

Strategy: Squatter’s Rights

Deployment: Corner

Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Breakthrough, Assassinate, Cursed Object, Deliver the Message


Edited by Breng77
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  • 2 weeks later...

Who is going to this? A bunch of us from DC are going up, b/c the people at BFS (even for us former 40K players) are some of the best at any organized event in the nation. Plus the venue is collocated with a Yardhouse, so ... yeah. Brewmaster will be in play even when rounds are not active.

Anyone able to challenge us?

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Who is going to this? A bunch of us from DC are going up, b/c the people at BFS (even for us former 40K players) are some of the best at any organized event in the nation. Plus the venue is collocated with a Yardhouse, so ... yeah. Brewmaster will be in play even when rounds are not active.

Anyone able to challenge us?

I have a pipe dream of going, but it ain't happening. I've spread the word here locally, hope some New Englanders can make it down. 

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Why aren't you making it? Do you need a hotel room to share? We have several. BRING THE PEOPLES. Defend NE from DC. Or don't.

I only have so many passes I can use in a year :) If it was a 1-day event I could maybe maybe drop the kids and wife off at my mother's house in CT and drive over, but its a 2-day event (which I am happy about, we need more 2-dayers).

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  • 2 weeks later...

They did not pre-register then, I am gathering, which makes it doubly disappointing.

4 of us from DC were registered with our wives/SOs making the trip and planning to hit up NYC while we played. Unfortunately, as of Tuesday night, we were the only paid/known registrants, so they scrubbed the event (as we weren't going to drive up to play ourselves for 2 days).

Is a bummer, as BFS on the whole is one of the best / most fun events in the country.

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Unfortunately due to low registration this event has been canceled

Hmm I knew a few people who were going to make the drive. Regardless good to know. I've removed it from the calendar. Thanks for the update, but sorry to 

yeah nice to hear that people were planning to attend but as Mike said we only had 4 people pre-reg and they were making a huge drive and if no one else showed up it would have sucked for them.  We really needed more prereg to support the event.

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Unfortunately due to low registration this event has been canceled

Hmm I knew a few people who were going to make the drive. Regardless good to know. I've removed it from the calendar. Thanks for the update, but sorry to 

yeah nice to hear that people were planning to attend but as Mike said we only had 4 people pre-reg and they were making a huge drive and if no one else showed up it would have sucked for them.  We really needed more prereg to support the event.

Yeah gamers are fickle, I feel your pain. Getting people to pre-reg is something that as a TO always is rough. I've had 40ppl pre-reg for an event before and then only 30 show up. That's 25% no-show. Makes it tough to plan. 

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