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50ss Tournament @ Draxtar Games, Batavia, IL


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On September 12, 2015 Draxtar Games will be hosting a 50ss Malifaux Tournament.


Number of Rounds: 3


Round Time Limit: 120 Minutes
• With a 15 minute break between rounds


Strategy Selection:
• Round 1 – Headhunter
• Round 2 - Turf War
• Round 3 - Collect the Bounty


Scheme Selection:
• Round 1 – A Line the Sand, Vendetta, Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, Power Ritual
• Round 2 – A Line the Sand, Protect Territory, Assassinate, Distract, Deliver a Message
• Round 3 – A Line the Sand, Cursed Object, Entourage, Plant Evidence, Take Prisoner


Game Size: 50 Soulstones


Crew Construction: Single Faction.

     At the start of the Tournament, the player will sign up with a specific faction and follows the Hiring restrictions for that faction as normal in each round.


SCORING: Domination Format [TP/Diff/VP]


ENTRY FEE: $10 ($5 Store Credit, $5 for Prize Support)


AWARDS: Prizes will be awarded to 1st (50% Store Credit), 2nd (30% Store Credit), and 3 rd (20% Store Credit) place.


SCHEDULE: Check in: 1PM
Round 1: 1:30PM – 3:30PM
Round 2: 3:45PM – 5:45PM
Dinner Break: 5:45PM – 6:25PM
Round 3: 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Winners Announced: 8:45PM

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